
BEKASI – The Street Race event in Bekasi was held in mid-February. The Bekasi Metro Police confirmed that it would take action against anyone who bets in the event which was held in the Regency and City of Bekasi.

"I will emphasize later that in the street race there is no betting or gambling event," said Bekasi Metro Police Chief Grand Commissioner Gidion Arif Setyawan, Saturday, January 29, January 29.

Gidion also appealed to the 14 communities of illegal racing activists not to make the event a betting ground.

"They have all agreed that there will be no betting on the street race, which will be held at Central Park Meikarta in South Cikarang," he said.

Meanwhile, the Bekasi City Metropolitan Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Hengki, also threatened to secure any party caught betting during the official street race or street race held at Vida Housing, Bekasi City.

"We are not ordered to gamble on the street race event. If someone gambles, we will secure that person," he said.

Hengki revealed that the street race initiated by the Metro Jaya Police was held solely to create a joint training platform for activists of illegal motorcycle racing.

“The Street Race is for them to practice, to foster and develop their achievements. Not for betting and gambling. If someone gambles, we will take strict action against it. You can't," he said.

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