
BANDA ACEH - A total of 28 fishermen from East Aceh who were released due to receiving a royal pardon on the occasion of His Majesty King Rama X's birthday in 2021 have arrived in Jakarta.

"They have been detained in Thailand since April 2021, and have been repatriated to Indonesia. They were released after receiving forgiveness from the King of Thailand, whose birthday was," said Head of the Aceh Government Liaison Agency (BPPA) Almuniza Kamal, quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 27.

The arrival of the 28 fishermen was welcomed by BPPA when they arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, this Thursday afternoon at around 17.46 WIB.

Almuniza said that before being sent back to Aceh, the 28 fishermen first underwent quarantine at the Pasar Rusun Flats, South Jakarta, for about seven days. They will also have their health checked, as well as a PCR swab test.

"If their results are negative, they will be allowed to return to Aceh. However, if any of them are positive, they will be isolated first, but we pray that they are all healthy," he said.

Almuniza said that while they were in Jakarta, their whereabouts would be monitored by the BPPA team. So, if the fishermen needed something, they would immediately be given assistance.

He said this program was in accordance with the mandate of the Governor of Aceh Nova Iriansyah and would continue to be carried out to provide services to the Acehnese people on the island of Java and its surroundings.

"This is in accordance with what was mandated by our leadership. So if they need help with something, they can directly contact us (BPPA)," he said.

Almuniza explained that the 28 fishermen from East Aceh were part of the four child fishermen who were repatriated on August 4, 2021, which were also facilitated by the ministry and sent home by the Aceh Government.

Initially, said Almuniza, those who searched for fish using the Rizki Laot Motorboat (KM) numbered 34 crew members. However, after being arrested by Thai security forces in the waters between Yai Island and Phuket Island off the coast of Phang Ngah, two of the fishermen fled in a lifeboat.

He mentioned that the 28 fishermen, on August 6, 2021, were found guilty by a court in Thailand, for violating the law related to fishing without a permit in Thai waters.

"Alhamdulillah, now they have been released on the basis of a pardon from King Rama X for his birthday in 2021," he said.

Almuniza added that the granting of pardon by the King of Thailand for Acehnese fishermen who were detained there was not the only time. In 2020, the Thai kingdom also released 51 fishermen from Aceh.

Almuniza representing the Government of Aceh and the people of Aceh, thanked the Indonesian Consulate in Songkhla, the Indonesian Embassy in Thailand, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PWNI, the Indonesian KKP, the COVID-19 Task Force, and other elements.

"Thank you for helping to take care of the repatriation of fishermen from Aceh, of course this cannot be separated from the cooperation of all parties," said Almuniza Kamal.

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