
JAKARTA - Bamus Betawi must be tolerant because he did not receive grants from the DKI Provincial Government in the 2020 APBD draft. The budget they should have received was Rp. 6 billion and had already been budgeted, but the DPRD did not approve it.

This is because the DPRD's budget for the grant funds was crossed out because it was not discussed in the DPRD Commission meeting or at the DKI Budget Agency during the 2020 RAPBD discussion.

Jakarta DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi, who is the chairman of the Budget Committee meeting, explained that Bamus Betawi's budget discussion was postponed at the meeting because he was going to the toilet. Unfortunately, Prasetio forgot to discuss it again after returning to the meeting room.

"If this (funding) is pushed (into the APBD), but in the end it is not discussed, we are afraid that there will be findings (problems) later. It is also dangerous," said Prasetio when met at City Hall DKI, Central Jakarta, Friday, December 27.

Even so, Prasetio will seek to provide grant funds to Bamus Betawi in the middle of the fiscal year. This is because there is a legal basis for granting these grants, namely Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 4 of 2015 concerning Preservation of Betawi Culture.

"In the 2020 APBD Amendment, you will get it, so there is no problem," he said.

Separately, the Chairman of Bamus Betawi Abraham Lunggana has no problem that the 2020 grant is delayed until mid-year.

The man who is familiarly called Lulung understands that DKI's budget is experiencing a deficit due to the inadequate absorption of the budget and the delay in balancing funds obtained from the central government.

"I said I was ready not to receive this year's grant and I was ready with my money and my friends. I prepared a Bamus Betawi program for 2020 amounting to Rp 10 billion," said Lulung.

The personal budget, said Lulung, would be used for several programs, namely launching Umrah savings for the community and Bamus Betawi, for the Cross Door Festival, then the Egg Crust Festival, to the Betawi Village Festival.

"So, we never want to stop running programs in accordance with local regulation No. 4 of 2015 meaning that there is also the preservation of Betawi culture," he said.

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