
JAKARTA - As many as 23 residents of Lebak Regency, Banten, were struck by lightning while taking shelter after watching soccer in Girimukti Village, Cilograng District, Monday, August 17, at 16.30 WIB.

"Of the 23 victims, it was reported that three of them died and the other three were referred to Pelabuhan Ratu Hospital, Sukabumi," said Didi Mulyadi, a community leader in Cilograng District, Lebak Regency, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, August 18.

The lightning strike happened to 23 residents of Cilograng District, resulting in three deaths; on behalf of Irpan (16), a resident of Cikatomas Village, Subadri (50) a resident of Girimukti Village, and Ajid (17) Pasirbungur Village.

Meanwhile, the victim who was seriously injured and referred to Pelabuhan Ratu Hospital included Suryani (24), a resident of Lebaktipar Village, Didin (20), a resident of Pasirbungur Village and Siti Patimah (23), a resident of Girimukti Village.

Meanwhile, 17 people who suffered minor injuries and are now receiving treatment at the local Puskesmas.

"We hope the victim's family will be patient and steadfast over this disaster," said Didi.

He said residents who were victims of the lightning strike after watching football and took shelter in a hut which is located near the field.

When the incident happened, light rain fell on the soccer field.

However, suddenly the residents were struck by lightning and fell and the local people fled to the Cilograng Community Health Center to get medical treatment.

"We and the residents helped residents who were victims of a lightning strike," he said.

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