
JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri investigators will examine the former Head of South Grogol Urban Village, Asep Subah. Asep will be examined as a witness in the Djoko Tjandra road letter case.

"Yes, they were questioned on Tuesday (August 18). The witness was a fake pass," said the Director of the General Crime Directorate of Bareskrim Polri, Brig. Gen. Ferdy Sambo to VOI, Wednesday, August 12.

Asep Subah is one of the officials who was involved in the Djoko Tjandra case. He is suspected of being involved in issuing Djoko Tjandra's e-KTP.

Asep Subah's involvement was due to meeting Anita Kolopaking. The second meeting was said to discuss the making of Djoko Tjandra's e-KTP for the requirements to apply for a review (PK) at the South Jakarta District Court.

Several state officials involved in the Djoko Tjandra case, namely, Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo and Attorney Pinangki.

Brigen Prasetyo has been named a suspect in the Djoki Tjandra road letter case. The suspect was determined based on the results of the examination of a number of witnesses and evidence.

Prasetyo was subject to Article 263 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code and Article 426 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 221 paragraph 1-2 of the Criminal Code. Article 263 of the Criminal Code regulates the making of fake letters.

Meanwhile, Attorney Pinangki was also named a suspect by the Attorney General's Office. This is because he is suspected of receiving gratuities from Djoko Tjandra. In addition, Pinangki was also proven to have traveled abroad and was suspected of having a meeting with Djoko Tjandra.

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