JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir appointed Amien Sunaryadi as President Commissioner of the State Electricity Company (PLN) and Zulkifli Zaini as President Director of PLN.
The appointment of these two names was carried out at the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PT PLN (Persero) which was being held, as well as validating the composition of the new members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors.
Since Sofyan Basir was removed from the CEO of PLN last April, PLN has been led by the Acting Officer (Plt), namely Sripeni Inten Cahyani.
Erick explained that Amien and Zulkifli were considered to have good actions. So, both of them are qualified to lead the state-owned electricity company.
"Both Pak Amien and Pak Zulkifli have excellent track records, are ready to sweat and have good character. Same with other CEOs and SOEs Commut. I will intensively meet regularly every month to ensure the various major plans that are the priority of the Government, "said Erick in a statement received by VOI, Monday, December 23.

Amien Sunaryadi is the deputy chairman of the KPK for the 2003-2007 period. During his tenure, Amien introduced a progressive eradication of corruption and became the drafter of searches and surveillance carried out by the KPK to uncover high-profile corruption cases.
Meanwhile, Zulkifli Zaini is currently an Independent Commissioner of BNI since March 17, 2015 and has been President Director of Bank Mandiri in 2010-2013.
Furthermore, Erick said that the two of them have a tough task, starting from realizing the electrification ratio of 100 in Indonesia, to creating efficient electricity rates for both the community and industry.
The new PLN leadership is also tasked with increasing the use of new and renewable energy as a source of electricity. One thing that must be fulfilled by PLN is the fulfillment of environmentally friendly electricity in the New Capital.
"PLN will also form a healthy business ecosystem with the private sector, BUMD and BUMDes in producing electricity. PLN will focus on distribution," said Erick.
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