2 Residents In Pangkalpinang Died, 1 Treated Due To Falling Tree
Pangkalpinang City BPBD, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel) stated that two residents died from falling trees on Monday.
"The strong winds in the four sub-districts yesterday have uprooted dozens of decades old trees," said Pangkalpinang City BPBD Head Nur Ikhsan in Pangkalpinang, Antara, Tuesday, December 31.
He said heavy rain accompanied by strong winds occurred at around 13.00 to 16.00 WIB in four sub-districts, namely Bukit Intan, Tamansari, Rangkui, and Gerunggang sub-districts. It was reported that two people died and one was hospitalized.
Strong winds also damaged a car, seven motorbikes and flew roofs of residents' houses and school buildings around Kolong Spirtus Air Itam (Bukit Intan District), Padi Padi (Intan Hill Hill).
Furthermore, Jalan Kartini, Panti Wangka Building (Tamansari District), Jalan A Yani Apotek Kimia Farma (Tamansari District), Tanjung Bunga Village, SMP N 10 (Gerunggang), Jalan Solihin GP. and Jalan Mentok (Rangkui).
"These two fatalities were hit by a large fallen tree on Jalan Solihin and the victim has been handed over to the family for burial," he said.
He appealed to the public to be aware of potential hydrometeorological disasters or the impact of extreme weather, such as moderate to heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds that can cause impacts, such as floods, landslides, fallen trees, and other damage impacts.
"We urge the public and related agencies to remain alert to the potential for rain with moderate to heavy intensity which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds from noon to evening, and in the early hours of the morning until the next two days," he said.