This Is The Complete List Of Agendas For The 2025 BI Board Of Governors Meeting
JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) has set a schedule for the Board of Governors' Meeting (RDG) in 2025 in discussing monetary policy regarding the benchmark interest rate or BI Rate.
Head of the Communication Department of Bank Indonesia (BI) Ramdan Denny Prakoso said that the monthly Board of Governors Meeting throughout 2025 was part of the transparency and accountability of the implementation of its duties, especially in the process of formulating and determining the policy mix.
The implementation of the BI RDG is regulated in Article 43 of Law (UU) Number 23/1999 concerning Bank Indonesia as amended several times, lastly with Law 4/2023.
The article states that RDG is held at least once a month to establish general policies in the monetary sector.
"The monthly RDG is the highest decision-making forum to evaluate the policy mix taken and to determine the policy direction in the future," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, December 25.
Monthly RDG is held for 2 (two) consecutive days which is a unit of RDG. The first day of RDG discusses the results of evaluation of economic conditions and prospects, financial system stability, payment systems, and integrates policy mix options.
Furthermore, the second-day RDG discussed recommendations and determination of monetary, macroprudential, and payment systems in one policy mix.
The following is the schedule for the Board of Governors' Meeting (RDG) in 2025, namely 14-15 January 2025, 18-19 February 2025, 18-19 March 2025, 22-23 April 2025, 20-21 May 2025, 17-18 June 2025, 15-16 July 2025, 19-20 August 2025, 16-17 September 2025, 21-22 October 2025, 18-19 November 2025.16-17 December 2025.