Meaningful Gift For Mothers, Celebrate Her Struggle In The Form Of Photos And Videos

JAKARTA - Thankful and appreciating a mother can be done in many ways. One of them is to perpetuate various things that mothers do in the form of photos and videos.

This can be an acknowledgment for the extraordinary role of mothers in the family and is very good for a mother's psychology. When mother feels appreciated, they get the urge to take on their role more confident and happy.

The appreciation given is able to strengthen the efficacy of a mother. This will also lead to closer emotional relationships with children and families.

Apresiasi memiliki dampak psikologis yang luar biasa pada seorang ibu. Ketika ibu merasa dinilai, mereka lebih mampu mengelola stres, mengurangi kecemasan, dan memperkuat hubungan dengan anak, kata Intan Erlita, M.Psi., Psychologist dan Founder Titik Putih, di acara Unfiltered Moments: Proud Jadi Bunda, di kawasan SCBD, Jakarta, pada Jumat, 20 Desember 2024.

"This not only makes them proud of the role they play, but also creates a harmonious family environment and supports children's emotional growth optimally," he added.

Photos and videos of a mother are not only good moments, but can also be about the difficulties and struggles they do or unfiltered moments. By capturing unfiltered moments, a mother can look back at her struggles for the family or share them with the public through social media.

"Unfiltered moments means all moments don't have to be perfect, right, because it can be imperfect in people's eyes, but the best moment for those who feel it," he said.

By sharing their moments as mothers on social media, mothers can get recognition and positive validation that can build their mentality. Validation of what mothers do will make them more confident and feel proud, which certainly has a good impact on their families.

The human name in psychology requires recognition and validation. As long as it is still at a normal level, validation is needed, because being a mother is not easy, tired, 24 hours. Once we (mother) get validation, people like us, it's to the mentality of extraordinary mothers," he continued.

This is in line with the celebration of Mother's Day by Cussons Baby through Unfiltered Moments: Proud to Be Mother. This is a series of photos depicting the authenticity, imperfections, and strength of mothers to build emotional bonds with their children.

This exhibition, which was held at Astha Spac8, is a forum to appreciate the unique journey of each mother through photos and videos. This is expected to have a positive impact on mothers in the future.

"This Unfiltered Moments photo show: Proud to Be A Mother is a reflection of our philosophy that every mother has a unique story that deserves to be celebrated and spread so that it can have a positive impact on other mothers who see it," said Gusti Kattani Maulani, Senior Brand Manager of Cussons Baby.