Complete Schedule Of Latest SNBP And SNBT Stages 2025

YOGYAKARTA For students who plan to continue higher education, it is advisable to seek information related to the National Selection Based on Achievements (SNBP) and National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) for State Universities (PTN). Both SNBP and SNBT are held with various stages. This article will inform the latest complete schedule of SNBP and SNBT stages.

The SNPMB Committee of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Kemendiktisaintek) has announced the mechanism for implementing the 2025 SNPMB (National Selection for New Student Admissions). The announcement was made at a Press Conference conducted via the SNPMB ID YouTube channel, on Wednesday (11/12).

From the information provided, the latest SNBP and SNBT schedules will begin to open in December 2024 and January 2025. The implementation of SNBP and SNBT is not held simultaneously. Therefore, prospective students need to listen to the complete schedule of each selection route, namely as follows.

The SNBP schedule begins with the submission of schools according to the quota through the School and Student Database (PDSS) system. The following is the complete schedule.

This line begins with registration (student registration) which is carried out online. The following is the schedule for the latest stage process.

As is known, to enter PTN in Indonesia, there are three types of selection that are applied, namely SNBP, SNBT, and the Mandiri Line. The three types of selection allow students to enter PTN according to conditions.

SNBP is a student admission pathway to become a student at PTN which is based on academic achievements from report cards, from academic portfolios, as well as non-akademic achievements.

In contrast, SNBT is a student admission pathway at PTN which is based on the results of the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK).

Meanwhile, the Mandiri pathway is a selection process that is held independently by each PTN. Prospective students who take part in the independent path are required to undergo the process that has been determined by each PTN.

In addition to knowing the selection process schedule, it is recommended to find out the difference between SNBP and SNBT in SNPMB.

That is information related to the complete schedule of the SNBP and SNBT stages. Visit to get other interesting information.