PLN EPI Collaborates With Probolinggo Regional Government To Take Advantage Of Multifunctional Plants To Become Biomass Cofiring PLTU
JAKARTA PT PLN Energi Primary Indonesia Subholding (PLN EPI) together with PT PLN Nusantara Power (PLN NP) agreed to cooperate with the Probolinggo Regency Government in Regional Potential Development.
Later, Probolinggo will utilize the land owned to plant multifunctional energy plants for animal feed and raw materials for biomass fuel that have been sourced from forestry waste, plantations, agriculture, parks, and others in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
President Director of PLN EPI Iwan Agung Firstantara emphasized that this program is in addition to utilizing land for multifunctional plant planting as well as for the provision of biomass raw materials.
"We really appreciate this synergy step, the process of planting multifunctional plants that can prosper the community and preserve the environment in order to support the NZE program in 2060," said Iwan Agung, Thursday, December 12.
Iwan Agung added that this joint agreement aims to integrate and optimize the existing potential and resource management effectively and efficiently to support improving regional development, community welfare, and environmental conservation.
Pada kesepakatan ini PLN EPI sebagai integrator dan aggregator energis primer yang ramah lingkungan guna memenuhi target NZE 20260. Keberhasil kesepakatan kesepakatan ini diharapkan menjadi model yang akan direplikasi di berbagai lokasi lain sehingga semakin meningkatkan kontribut dalam pencapaian NZE tandas Iwan.