South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Reveals Motives For Teenagers To Kill Fathers And Grandmothers In Lebak Bulus

JAKARTA The mystery of the murder of a 14-year-old father and grandmother by the initials MAS, at Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta was revealed.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Rahmat Idnal said that MAS wanted his parents to go to heaven.

Still explained by the Police Chief, MAS was nervous to see his parents carrying the burden. So he wanted to take over the burden.

"When he is nervous, he says there are too many burdens on his parents. Well, let me take over. Let papa mama go to heaven," said Ade Rahmat to reporters at Taman Bona Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Monday, December 9.

"On that night alone (there was a whisper) immediately execution," he continued.

Previously, Kapores said that his mother often looked after MAS regarding the economic condition of the family.

"The child is often taken into account by his mother about family problems, he also once said that he would be invited to vacation by his father, but suddenly it didn't happen, you don't have to say, mother, it's better if the money is used for other things," he said.

According to Ade, based on a temporary analysis that the child, namely MAS, is experiencing psychological pressure, because the mother is often influenced by her mother.

"There is psychological pressure" he said.