Not Only Supporting Nutrition, Mendikdasmen Calls Free Nutritious Eating Programs To Help Students Not To Waste
JAKARTA - Mendikdasmen Abdul Mu'ti melihat manfaat lain dari Program Makan Bergizi Gratis yang akan diterapkan di sekolah-sekolah. Ia berharap program ini dapat menginjak anak-anak untuk menghindari gaya hidup sumber.
"Eating this free afternoon as part of planting and fostering character education for children," said Minister of Education and Culture Abdul Mu'ti in Solo, Central Java, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, December 8.
He said the program teaches responsibilities, tolerance, mutual respect, cleanliness, and does not live a wasteful life.
Meanwhile, related to the program implementation scheme, he said, it was in the National Nutrition Agency.
"So it's not the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education. So this Basic and Medium Ministry is only a partner in the implementation of free nutritious meals," said Abdul Mu'ti.
However, his party will provide circulars to schools to make the program part of the application of character education.
"We will instruct schools to make this free nutritious meal part of character formation through various kinds of value education in it," said Mendikdasmen Abdul Mu'ti.
Previously, the issue of the Free Nutrition Eating Program to date is still being piloted in various regions to find out the obstacles faced.
Vice President (Wapres) Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the program was not just a free food supply, but also a strategic step to create a healthier and more productive generation.