[LEGAL] Febri Diansyah | About Becoming The Mouth Of The Corruption Eradication Agency

For the common people, Febri Diansyah is one of the names that will definitely be recognized when television reports on the issue of eradicating corruption. For journalists, it is more than that. Febri is a source of information as well as a friend to exchange ideas. Yes, even though we know a lot of things he keeps secret. But, his head was clearly rich in sight. No wonder. This is because before taking the position of spokesman for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Febri was known as an anti-corruption activist. Yesterday, we met with Febri, caught all his worries and at the same time saw the issue of eradicating corruption from his eyes.

We arrived at the KPK's Red and White House at around 15:15 WIB. Before entering, we first greeted fellow journalists who were relaxing in the main lobby of the building. Not so busy activity. However, our enthusiasm has not diminished a bit. Still, it's great to be back in the Dwi Warna Building. A few minutes chatting with fellow journalists, we immediately entered the building.

Just be honest. Although he has been doing routine coverage for a long time at the KPK building, the opportunity to access the guest sofa inside the building is a rare thing. Next, the officer checked our bags and other belongings. We also got a blue identity card for visitors. Thank goodness the blue card. This is because the KPK guest table recognizes another red card which is usually given to witnesses or potential suspects in corruption cases while undergoing examination.

Our interview with Febri that afternoon took place at the KPK Library. We went up to the library around 16.00 WIB. The atmosphere looks lonely. Cold air pierced the foot immediately entered the other side of the glass door connecting the library room. Our eyes browse and identify the various books about corruption on the bookshelves. We are really at the headquarters of the anti-corruption fighters.

We went up to the second floor of the library. About 30 minutes we waited on a red sofa. Until the sound we recognized was heard in the lower floor of the library. Febri is heard talking, who knows who. Febri approached us with a white cup in her right hand. "I'm drinking coffee, okay. It's a bit sleepy," said Febri with a smile.

Febri Diansyah when we interviewed (Mahesa ARK / VOI)

You can see, Febri's face shows a tired face. He then offered to make our own coffee. KPK specialty coffee, said Febri. The chat started without another cup of coffee - other than Febri's - on the table. In the first seconds of the chat, we immediately found a smile on Febri's face. The question about the award he received as the most influential activist from Charta Politika in 2011 was the trigger.

The mass media's exposure to Febri, who was then active in Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), is said to be the cause of how the award went to him. At that time, from his position as a driver of the legal and judicial monitoring program, Febri often gave statements about the corruption of the Athlete's House, the KPK Law, and various other cases. However, ICW was not the point where Febri started her fight. Since studying at the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta from 2002 to 2007, this Minang-blooded man has built hatred against corruption.

"I thought, maybe people were wrong in 2011 at that time. But, after being explained, 'No, we are judging based on the intensity of publication in the media.' For example, for certain issues. At that time, the athletes 'house was a bit excited. Then the athletes' house involved Nazaruddin (former General Treasurer of the Democratic Party), about the revision of the KPK Law and several other issues in 2010 and 2011. "

"A lot of people talk about neutral, neutral attitudes. Now, is it possible for an educated person to be neutral in a lame condition? ... An educated person is neutral, in the end he will benefit those who have a stronger position. That is very inspiring."

Febri Diansyah

In addition, there are also words that are always remembered and motivated him to always apply his knowledge to help eradicate corruption. "On the diploma there is written one sentence which may be normal. But personally for me the meaning is somewhat different," said Febri who then sipped his coffee.

"'Hereby you are given a Bachelor of Laws degree and all its rights and obligations.' Your right as a Law Degree is that you are entitled to an SH academic degree ... But, there are obligations that you also need to remember ... Obligations of society."

To the KPK to become an investigator

Being an anti-corruption activist for six years made Febri feel called into the anti-graft organization circle. In 2013, finally he was moved to register with the KPK through the Indonesia Calling program, which is the KPK employee recruitment program.

At that time, Febri's goal was to become a KPK investigator. This goal was triggered by the number of KPK investigators - who came from the police - being pulled back to the Bhayangkara unit in the middle of investigating major cases. "Then, he said, the KPK needed more investigators to support corruption eradication work. Next year, I registered but did not pass," said Febri.

He said the reason for his failure to become a KPK investigator was because at that time the anti-graft agency did not open vacancies to become investigators. "Second, who could become an investigator at the KPK in the previous regulation, if he has been an employee for two years, then tests again," he said.

Not giving up, Febri returned to apply for another position related to the disclosure of the corruption case, namely investigator. He was sure that he would qualify as an investigator, especially at that time he had followed a long process of admission selection. However, Febri still failed at the final stage. The reason was that Febri was too often exposed to the mass media during his time as an anti-corruption activist at ICW. Finally, Febri also joined the KPK's Directorate of Gratification.

"Anyway, if you take the test, you are satisfied. Trying various things from pictures of houses and trees to the coldness of the room (the exam) to runny nose," joked Febri.

Become a spokesman for the KPK

After working in the field of prevention, Febri then participated in the selection process to serve as KPK spokesman. At that time, the position of spokesperson for quite a long time was occupied by Johan Budi - who is now a member of the DPR RI from the PDI-P Faction - vacant. Because, at that time JB - Johan Budi's nickname - was appointed Acting Chairman of the KPK.

Febri realized that it was hard to replace JB as a spokesperson. However, at that time JB was the face of the KPK. Nine years - 2006 to 2014 - JB became the mouth of the KPK. However, leaving the spokesperson position vacant was a mistake. As an institution that is relied on in eradicating corruption, the KPK has the responsibility to convey processes related to law enforcement. Information bias should not occur.

"The KPK has the responsibility to the public to explain what has been done and explain its progress. Although not all, there are main things that must be conveyed and it is impossible for the leadership to convey it individually by the leadership. Meanwhile, there are five leaders. difference in information, it becomes a weakness. "

Febri Diansyah

An interesting view was expressed by Febri in this matter. According to him, the KPK should not depend on just one person. Even in the position of spokesman. According to him, it would be better if there was a time limit for the position of spokesperson. Regeneration, however, is important to prevent an institution's dependence on one figure. An expression that might spark the enthusiasm of many people out there to become the next Johan Budi or Febri Diansyah.

"Because, if the system is good, it is designed about information management, anyone can be a spokesman, as long as there are special conditions that must be met. So, it doesn't have to be someone like Johan Budi or Febri Diansyah. No need. Forget those names. competence, can. "

Febri Diansyah delivers a statement to journalists (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Febri himself has been the mouthpiece of the KPK since 2016. Since then, his routine has changed. He could no longer come home in time to be with his family. The time for the child is only available in the morning. Usually, before becoming an authoritative spokesperson at the KPK, he starts his day carrying out his 'constitutional home' duties, namely taking his children to school.

After escorting his son, he then took the time to answer journalists' questions regarding issues in anti-graft organizations via text messages on his cell phone. This is a must, even though he is on leave on a weekday. As reporters who have served at the KPK for a long time, we know very well Febri's routine in sharing the schedule for examining witnesses and suspects or the latest developments in law enforcement at the Red and White House

Febri is a busy person. Throughout the interview with us he continued to hold onto his cell phone. However, maintaining a relationship with the reporter is mandatory. For Febri, journalists are part of the anti-corruption struggle. He even mentioned the media as a way for the KPK to check and balance. When there is a corruption case that goes on the spot, for example. The media will appear as the first critics.

According to Febri, his relationship with journalists is unique. On the one hand, he must answer journalists' questions. However, on the other hand, he also had to put the brakes on his own statement. Febri remembers very well when a reporter fell asleep during the press conference to determine the suspect and immediately asked a moment after waking up. Or when a journalist directs questions to fit the narrative to be written. However, everything is still fun for Febri.

"The KPK press room is the best place, the best place to practice (patience) I think. For those of you who have experience in the KPK press room, it will greatly affect your life, both as a journalist or spokesperson or public relations employee. will be forgotten, "

Febri Diansyah

KPK needs public control

Behind various polemics about Law (UU) Number 19 of 2019 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission which is considered to weaken the work of the KPK, Febri expressed his views.

According to him, the KPK, like other institutions, is filled with human beings who are not free from mistakes. So, control is still important. And public control is the ideal control for the KPK.

"The police, prosecutors, KPK are both law enforcers, not necessarily one hundred percent correct. That's why they must be guarded," said Febri.

This is related to the participation of the wider community in fighting corruption. Febri reminded how public participation is needed in efforts to eradicate corruption. In addition, of course, synergy between institutions is key.

"Because it is impossible for us to talk about improving the system, preventing corruption if government agencies are half-hearted. In front of the KPK they say anti-corruption, in the back they accept bribes. That is not allowed. The spirit must be the same," concluded Febri, the mouth of the Corruption Eradication Agency.