These Are Tips For Using Loans For Business Capital

The rise of the peer to peer (P2P) lending (pinjol) fintech industry can help the productive sector for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in obtaining capital for business operations.

Dalam agenda Talkshow Inspiratif Entrepreneurs Sukses #UntungAdaFintechP2P di Rumi & Co, Jakarta Selatan, Financial Planner dan Founder Daya Uang, Lolita Setyawati menyampaikan Fintech P2P dapat salah satu alternatif bagi pelaku usaha UMKM untuk menambah modal usaha. Namun ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhati untuk meningkatkan bisnis ke depannya.

"So the loan, there is a P2P for productive loans and this consumptive loan finally leads to negatives because the illegal loan case is due to a consumptive lifestyle, even though the loan can help MSMEs," said Lolita to reporters, Thursday, November 23.

Lolita said that the first tip is that it must begin with separating personal accounts and business accounts, then creating a recitation system for oneself so that they do not rely on business profits for personal gain.

Furthermore, the second tip that the emergency funds have is quite 6 to 12 monthly expenses and have reserve funds for businesses at least 3 times the operational cost per month.

Then, the third tip is to have insurance, at least health insurance.

If there is funding or budget, you can add life insurance ownership or loss insurance.

Lolita conveyed her next tip, namely, discipline in making records or financial statements of loss profit, sales, purchases, inventory and balance sheet reports.

He explained, for the last tip, namely preparing capital alternatives that can be sourced from own capital, collaboration with investors, or using Fintech Peak to Peak (P2P) Lending or online loans that are licensed and registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

The benefits of borrowing for additional business capital were also carried out by two MSME business actors, namely Founder of Allura, Nasya and Founder of Kata LoGue Kopi, Proza.

Both admitted to using loans as productive loans.

Proza said that he used loans during the COVID-19 pandemic to carry out business development intended to open new warehouses and branches.

Meanwhile, Nasya conveyed that the use of loan funds helped her business in developing her fashion business.

In addition, the two said that before using the loan funds, they must have a detailed financial plan and budget allocation in order to be used optimally and effectively.

In addition, separate personal accounts and business accounts to make it easier and see the flow of funds that enter the company.