Minister Basuki Hadimuljono: Hydropower Sungai Kayan Could Be An Electricity Source For IKN
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said hydropower from the Kayan River, North Kalimantan, could be a source of electricity supply for the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.
"The electrical energy produced by hydropower from the Kayan River, North Kalimantan is not only to power green energy industrial areas in North Kalimantan, but can also be a source of electricity supply for IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan," Basuki said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 22.
Basuki said the hydropower from the Kayan River in North Kalimantan could supply electricity to the green energy industrial area of North Kalimantan.
"The government is building a green energy industrial area using hydropower energy sources from the Kayan River in North Kalimantan," he said.
He added that the potential for electricity produced from hydropower is around 1,375 Gigawatts (GW).
Based on Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, IKN is the engine for the economy for Kalimantan and is the trigger for strengthening domestic value chains throughout Eastern Indonesia.
IKN development puts Indonesia in a more strategic position in the world trade route, investment flow, and technological innovation.
In addition, IKN will also be a pilot for the development of green and sustainable cities driven by the application of the latest technology.
The vision of "World City for All" not only describes people who will live in IKN in the future, but also environmental conditions that will be restored and maintained.
The vision of "World City for All" was passed down into three main objectives, namely IKN as a symbol of national identity, IKN as a sustainable city in the world, and IKN as a driver of Indonesia's economy in the future.