The Effect Of Wiper Water Using Soap: Impressed But Has Serious Effect While Driving

YOGYAKARTA - Some people still don't know that the liquid that is usually in the car wiper is specially made. In fact, many people deliberately give a liquid that is given soap water. Even though the effect of wiper water using soap is not arbitrary!

The reason is, car wiper water is indeed an important component for safety in driving, especially when the rainy season arrives. The liquid content in it is deliberately designed by the special case in order to increase driver visibility when it rains heavily and helps keep the windshield clear.

But because of the lack of information, this will sometimes make car owners unconscious and even take wrong actions. Whether it's wiper fluid, the car is replaced with bath soap, shampoo water, to detergents, wow!

The heart's intention to clean the windshield has caused other problems in our car. What are the problems? Here are some of the reasons;

1. Leave the Noda on the Car Window

The selezim is soap created to clean, such as dish washing soap and laundry soap. However, if used in wiper water, it can result in used glass from soap ingredients made of certain chemicals that are not friendly to car glass.

2. Makes You Consolent

In fact, as a result of us using soap water too often on the wiper, we will block our car's wiper channel. If left alone, it can cause the driving force to become weak and even damage.

3. Reduce Visibilities

Worse, if you use detergents aka laundry soap on our wiper, it can have an impact on the visibility of the driver. This is due to foams that are too much in detergents that can fill the windshield and can cause accidents.

4. Rubber wiper Quick Getas

Who would have thought that due to certain chemicals contained in washing soap, you can make rubber on the wiper quickly. So it can't operate normally when used.

Actually, the function of the wiper liquid does not only help the driver's visibility when it rains because of the dirt that sticks to the windshield. But it also serves to make the surface of our car's glass so that it remains slippery.

Its function is if our car glass is slippery, it is clear that dust and dirt will be difficult to stick to and can be immediately cleaned by wipers.

In general, the wiper in the car must be replaced once a year. But it also depends on how often we wear it. Well, if it is used in the wrong water, such as soapy water, it won't last up to a year.

1. Rubber wiper Car Cracked Or Damaged

When the wiper rubber is cracked or damaged, it will give rise to the sound produced when the wiper rubber rubs with the windshield. This causes your windshield to become abrasions.

2. Rangka wiper Damaged or Bengkok

The broken or warped draft wiper can make its performance not optimal. So that the glass will not be completely clean, because there will be some part of the surface of the car glass that is not able to be cleaned by the wiper.

To ensure the wiper's frame is damaged or warped, you can turn on the wiper at the slowest speed. If the wiper is twisted, there will be a surface of the car's glass that cannot be cleaned at all.

3. Slow Moving wiper

The wiper trigger moves slowly, generally due to its dirty driving system. This results in an electric current. It can also be because the wiper rubber has caught or it is no longer good, so when the wiper is turned on, the movement when sweeping the water will not run smoothly.

4. Water Lines Appear In Car Glass

The characteristics of your car wiper must be replaced next, namely when a water line appears. This can be known when the wiper is turned on again. If the wiper performance creates a water line, then you must be aware of it. Because of the effect, your vision will tend to be more difficult because it is blocked by the water line.

Do not let your views be hindered when carrying a car. By changing your rubber, then you can still focus on seeing the streets when it rains.

5. Spots Of Water In Car Glass Still Remaining

Normal windshield wipers should be able to wipe the water perfectly. Does not leave water spots or even dirt. If the opposite happens, aka wipers still leave water spots. So surely the rubber wiper glue has hardened and must be rushed to replace it with a new one.

So after knowing the effect of wiper water using soap, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!