Pelindo Collaborates With Port Operators In ASEAN, Increases Cooperation To Lower Logistics Costs
JAKARTA - BUMN PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) cooperates with port operators in the ASEAN area to increase cooperation to reduce logistics costs.
"High logistics costs are a challenge to economic growth," said Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of Pelindo Ihsanuddin Usman on the sidelines of the 47th ASEAN Port Association (APA) meeting in Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, November 14.
He invited port operators in Southeast Asia to mobilize resources, share experiences and technological innovation to encourage the reduction in costs so as to contribute more to the performance of port operators and port and port and terminal service users.
He explained that the efforts made by SOEs were to shorten the dock time (port stay) and the stay period of containers at the terminal (cargo stay) by uniting service systems and payments through digital applications for operational efficiency.
With this efficiency, operations at the port can be carried out faster, then lower the cost of fuel so that the cost of renting ships can be reduced.
"So automatically when it used to take three days, for example at one of Pelindo's ports, now it only takes one day," he said.
The World Bank noted that logistics costs in Indonesia reached 23.8 percent in 2018. Meanwhile, based on a study by the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), logistics costs in Indonesia in 2023 reached 14.2 percent.
Meanwhile, logistics costs for export activities reached 8.98 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).
In addition to efforts to reduce logistics costs, Pelindo also invites port operators in ASEAN to increase maritime connectivity and infrastructure cooperation to be more efficient, effective and sustainable.
Then, stimulate economic growth by strengthening collective cooperation to create a good climate to attract investment.
On that occasion, Pelindo also introduced the Bali Maritime Tourism Center (BMTH) which is expected to become the gateway for the ASEAN maritime industry. Currently, BMTH is being accelerated, its work is targeted to be completed in 2024.
"Synergy between tourism and port activities creates opportunities for sustainable growth," he said.