Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Decree No. 259 Of 2022 Can Prevent Exploitation Of Groundwater Use

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ensures that groundwater arrangements carried out by the Government are not only to prevent negative impacts of groundwater exploitation. This policy also ensures that every community gets groundwater needs in a sustainable manner.

" Groundwater management is carried out to conserve groundwater and ensure the water needs of the community. The groundwater conservation is for groundwater sustainability not only for now, but to ensure groundwater accessability for today and the future," said Acting Head of the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Muhammad Wafid at a press conference at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Monday, November 13.

He also emphasized that it does not limit groundwater extraction, but regulates that there will be no disruption of groundwater accessability by the community in the future due to explosive groundwater extraction.

Furthermore, the implementation of non-governmental water permits is only limited to households that use groundwater more than 100 M3 per month per head of the family, people's agriculture outside the existing irrigation system, tourism or water sports activities that are managed for the public interest or not business activities, utilization of groundwater for research, development, education and health needs belonging to the Government.

"We prioritize the use of surface water and maximize it first if it is still sufficient. If the availability is lacking, then groundwater will be the last alternative to use. We also do not limit accessability, but as long as it is not more than 100 M3 per month. So, we still give people the freedom to continue to take groundwater," said Wafid.

Meanwhile, for groundwater entrepreneurship (commercial), the Business Entity continues to follow the provisions regulated by the Government through the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number: 259 of 2022 concerning the Standard for Implementing Groundwater Entrepreneurship Permits. Chairman of the Geological Experts Association (IAGI) Budi Santoso also agreed with what was conveyed by the Acting Head of the Geological Agency. According to Budi, the use of groundwater must balance good groundwater rules so that balance occurs.

"Utilization of ground water must consider natural balance so that there is no damage. To avoid this damage, mitigation steps must be taken as is being carried out by the Government through the current Geological Agency," said Budi.

In addition to mitigation, other efforts taken are water conservation by regulating the use of groundwater so that its use can be sustainable to the future.

"The government does not limit the use of ground water, but the government wants to make more sure everyone has the right to access water according to their needs. We don't want our current generation to think that the water cycle is like that because there is rain, there is infiltration, then there is a water basin in the ground. We don't think how the issue will become a problem for the generation after us," concluded Budi.