Progres Jalan Sisi Barat Pusat Pemerintahan IKN Capai 72 Percent

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the National Capital Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force (IKN) revealed that the progress of the construction of the National Aquaculture Road on the west side of the Central Government Core Region (KIPP) of IKN Nusantara currently reaches 72.73 percent.

"The progress of the construction of the western side of the National Ambu Road at KIPP IKN Nusantara reached 72.73 percent," said Head of the IKN Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga quoted from ANTARA, Friday, November 10.

Meanwhile, the progress of the construction of the eastern side of the National Ambu Road at KIPP IKN has reached 64.03 percent.

The Ministry of PUPR has built National Aquaculture roads such as the Monas area in Jakarta and its road infrastructure.

"This National Ambu Road flanks the area of the State Palace and the Presidential Office at KIPP IKN," said Danis.

He admitted that the construction of Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan at KIPP IKN was still running according to schedule.

For information, Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan Barat and Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan Timur IKN Nusantara are one of the road areas in IKN Nusantara which is installed with multi-utility tunneling technology or multi-utility tunnel (MUT).

Road construction and MUT are carried out simultaneously because the MUT position is installed underground or roads with a depth of approximately 1.5 - 2 meters. The installation of this MUT technology is adjusted to the function of roads, such as primary roads, secondary or lots.

The Ministry of PUPR prioritizes the installation of MUTs on primary or main roads. This MUT technology is first installed on Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan Barat, and on Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan Timur.

MUT technology accommodates three things, first is road drainage channels, second, drinking water pipes and things that are not related to electricity, while the third is for power cable and internet networks placed in separate compartments.

Thus, the distribution of drinking water in IKN is distributed through this MUT, with each location there will be drinking water tap facilities. In addition, every 100 meters there is room for control, where repair and maintenance officers can enter the MUT via manhole.