Indonesia Soon To Have Energy Supporting Reserves, This Is The Progress

JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the DEN, Djoko Siswanto, said that soon Indonesia will have an Energy Supporting Reserve (CPE) that will prevent Indonesia from the energy crisis.

For now, Indonesia's energy-resistant index is at 6.61 or is included in the Holder category and through a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) on Energy Supporting Reserves.

"In terms of regulations, mandated by the Energy Law, number 30 of 2007, we must have the name energy buffer reserves, CPE," said Djoko, Tuesday, October 31.

Djoko detailed that currently the process of discussing the law has been completed and is just waiting for the approval of the Minister of Finance to be transferred to the State Secretary and signed by President Joko Widodo.

"Alhamdulillah, gradually, until 2035, we will have 30 days of stock of crude, LPG, and gasoline," Djoko continued.

Regarding domestic energy security, Djoko also said, even though it was included in the resistant category, the activity of importing fuel still held Indonesia at 6.61. In fact, to enter the category is very resistant, Indonesia must at least be included in the 8-10 mark.

"Because we are still importing crude oil as raw material for the refinery, then LPG also imports are very large, almost 80 percent, now 78 percent," concluded Djoko.