Strong Wind Hit Pandeglang 2 People Died

JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that two residents of Karang Tanjung District died after heavy rains accompanied by strong winds hit Pandeglang Regency, Banten.

Referring to the report compiled by the BNPB Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) until Friday (27/10) at 10.00 WIB, the chronology of the incident of the two victims, the first of whom was looking for coconut in the middle of the forest, then there was rain and strong winds, causing him to take shelter under a hut adjacent to a coconut tree which then fell on the hut.

"The second victim when it rained and strong winds were at home, then the tree in the yard of his house fell due to strong winds, causing it to hit the roof of the house and hit the victim," said Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari as reported by ANTARA, Friday, October 27.

The incident that occurred on Thursday (26/10) at 14.00 WIB, apart from having an impact in the Karang Tanjung sub-district, the incident also affected Pandeglang, Koroncong and Mayasari sub-districts.

Some of the infrastructures located in the four sub-districts were damaged, including the Karang Tanjung District Office, Diperindagpas Building, Education Regional Office and residential areas.

At the time of the incident, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Pandeglang Regency went directly to the affected location to collect data, evacuate and clean up the remaining materials.

"In response to this incident, BNPB appealed to the public when it rains and strong winds not to take shelter near trees and billboards, because they have the potential to collapse due to strong winds. Meanwhile, when there is no rain, it is hoped that cutting trees and twigs that are expected to fall by the wind," said Abdul.