UNIFIL Task Force TNI Soldiers In Lebanon Undergo Evacuation Exercises To Anticipate Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Attacks

JAKARTA - TNI soldiers who are members of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) underwent a series of exercises to anticipate tensions on the Israel-Lebanon border, especially after the war broke out in Israel and Palestine on October 7, 2023.

Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Rear Admiral TNI Julius Widjojono conveyed that the series of exercises were related to evacuation, regional security, and rescue.

"Since the 8th of our soldiers we have carried out exercises for evacuation, or training for self-saving, training is also to avoid attacks," said Kapuspen TNI as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, October 26.

Julius, who is also experienced in joining the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping force, explained that the United Nations has standard operating procedures (SOP) for that.

"As far as I know when I was at the UN (peacekeeping force) in 2000, the United Nations had SOPs for rescue, evacuation, and certain standards if UN troops were attacked by other parties. So, I'm sure other parties won't attack the UN forces," said Julius.

Since the war broke out in Palestine and Israel on October 7, 2023, tensions have spread from Israel-Lebanon borders, including the Blue Line demarcation line separating Israeli and Lebanese territory.

The tension also led to an area near the UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqura, which included Sudirman Camp where TNI soldiers concentration in Lebanon. TNI soldiers in Lebanon are members of the 2023 UNIFIL TNI (Satgas) Task Force.

Generally, the Soedirman Camp Headquarters in Naqura is the working area of TNI soldiers who are members of the Headquarters/Force Headquarters Support Unit (FHQSU) Support Task Force, Indo Force Protection Company (FPC) Task Force, Civil-Military Coordination Task Force / Civil Military Coordination (CIMIC) TNI, Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU), and Task Force Level 2 Hospital.

In Lebanon, there are 1,229 TNI soldiers who are members of the UN peacekeeping force (UNIFIL) and guard in the southern region and along the Israel-Lebanon land and sea border.

Head of Information for Puspen TNI Colonel Arm Suhendro Oktosatrio said that as of today (26/10) out of 1,229 TNI soldiers in Lebanon (TNI Task Force for Garuda UNIFIL 2023 Contingent), of which 850 personnel are members of the TNI Mechanical Battalion Task Force (INDOBATT), 155 FHQSU XXVI-01 soldiers, 39 soldiers at the XXV-O East Military Police Sector (SEMPU), nine Hospital Task Force (RS) soldiers Level 2, 18 soldiers at MCOU XXX-M, seven CIMIC XXXI-M soldiers, 11 soldiers as military staff (MILSTAFF), and 21 soldiers asstaff officer(SO).

Generally, the Soedirman Camp Headquarters in Naqura is the working area of TNI soldiers who are members of the Headquarters/Force Headquarters Support Unit (FHQSU) Support Task Force, Indo Force Protection Company (FPC) Task Force, Civil-Military Coordination Task Force / Civil Military Coordination (CIMIC) TNI, Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU), and Task Force Level 2 Hospital.

In the midst of these tensions, UNIFIL on October 15, 2023 confirmed that there was a rocket attack on their base in Naqura. Soedirman Camp Headquarters, which is part of the UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqura, is one of several locations guarding TNI soldiers in Lebanon.

UNIFIL in its official broadcast on October 15, 2023, stated that the UN Peace Force was still looking for the origin of the rocket and there were no casualties or injuries as a result of the attack. UNIFIL is still observing the escalation of tensions and shootouts along the Blue Line, the border between Lebanon and Israel, and has asked for two ceasefires.

Kapuspen TNI said the distance from the UNIFIL Headquarters to the hot spot was about one kilometer.

"The closest one, last night was one kilometer of explosion," said Kapuspen TNI Julius Widjojono

He said that so far TNI soldiers in Lebanon are safe. "Until today they are still in a safe condition," said Julius.