Kaltara KPU Distributes Logistics For The 2024 Election

The General Election Commission (KPU) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) has begun distributing logistics for the 2024 General Election.

The head of the Kaltara KPU, Suryanata Al Islami, said that the distribution of the first phase in the form of ballot booths had been distributed to several areas through the City Regency KPU.

"Currently, three regencies have received logistics (voting booths), namely Bulungan, Malinau and Tana Tidung Regencies. Meanwhile, Nunukan and Tarakan City will follow," he said, Wednesday, October 25.

The KPU has reviewed the winning company for the tender for the procurement of ballot boxes that have been produced and are planned to be sent to Kaltara in November.

"There are four sound booths prepared at one polling station, for ballot boxes in the manufacturing process," he said.

The shape of the ballot box, continued Suryanata, is still the same as the 2019 election, which is made from waterproof duplex cardboard.

"The election demand is also produced at this early stage. Then the ballot is produced in the second stage according to the schedule for the stages

"The DCT determination will be held on November 3, 2023," he explained.

Suryanata emphasized that the procurement of DPD ballots, DPRD

Provincial And DPRD City Regency Is The KPU's Authority

Kaltara. Meanwhile, the presidential and vice presidential elections as well as the DPR are under the authority of the KPU.

"Logistics that have been received by the Regency and City KPU will be stored in the warehouses of each KPU," he said.

Meanwhile, the responsibility of distribution and logistics security is the responsibility of the provider.

"Personnel from the Kaltara Police have also assisted in logatics security. Such as the KPU warehouse which is closely guarded, including the KPU office," he said.