The Man In The Batahan Area Of West Sumatra Was Arrested By The Police Because Of Planting Marijuana In 28 Polibags

PASAMAN - West Pasaman Police, West Sumatra, arrested the perpetrator who planted marijuana in a polybag with the initials AY (49).AY was arrested in the Tiga Line Sidumapan Project area, Jorong Sidumapan, Nagari Batahan Selatan, Ranah Batahan District, Tuesday, October 24."In addition to the suspect AY, the police also arrested four other people who owned marijuana. The four people were R (17), DA (22), AAP (23) and A (21)," said West Pasaman Police Chief AKBP Agung Basuki accompanied by Ranah Batahan Police Chief AKP Mustar Hamidi Simpang Empat, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, October 25.The cannabis plant found in 28 black polybags is behind the perpetrator AY's house. AY's confession is that the cannabis plant is estimated to be one month old.The perpetrator admitted that he put the plant behind the house and planted it in a black polybag and deliberately planted other plants so that it was not suspected.Kapolsek Ranah Batahan AKP Muswar Hamidi explained that the arrest of AY began when officers arrested perpetrator R (17) who was a resident of Jorong Lubuk Gobing, Nagari Batahan at 15.00 WIB."From the results of the investigation, we and other personnel have succeeded in securing a minor in front of a building shop in Jorong Sukorejo, Nagari, Baru Barat Village, who has ready-to-use dried marijuana stored in the perpetrator's clothing bag," he said.As a result of the initial interrogation, perpetrator R received the dried marijuana from a young man with the initials DA (22) who lives Jorong Sidumapan, Nagari Batahan Selatan, Ranah Batahan District, West Pasaman Regency.Receiving this information, the police immediately investigated and searched for DA's whereabouts and succeeded in securing the DA perpetrator who was riding with the perpetrator AAP (23) on a motorbike.From the hands of the perpetrators, the police found eleven medium-sized packages suspected of containing marijuana, 21 packages of small size dried marijuana narcotics stored in the motorcycle seat of the DA perpetrator and two cigarettes that had been mixed with marijuana leaves.Then a small pack of dried marijuana ready to use and cash amounting to Rp627,000 which was allegedly the result of the sale of marijuana found in the perpetrator's trouser pocket.Then the Ranah Batahan Police will develop this case from the initial examination."The DA perpetrator bought the marijuana from the perpetrator with the initials IL, who is a resident of the Batahan Ranah, who has now become a DPO (wanted list) for the West Pasaman Police Narcotics Unit," he said.The development continued with the Sector Police Chief and his team, until finally the information on the possession of marijuana led to another perpetrator, the initials AY (49) alias Ucok, who was suspected of having something to do with marijuana obtained from the hands of the DA perpetrators."The search witnessed by community leaders, we found a small package wrapped in clear plastic behind the television of the perpetrator's house and 28 cannabis sticks planted in a black polybag behind the perpetrator's house," he said.Then, officers in the field also secured perpetrator A (21) at a shop owned by AY, who is a resident of Jorong Sidumapan, Nagari Batahan Selatan, because he was proven to have stored a small package of dried marijuana-type narcotics stored in the perpetrator's cigarette box behind his seat."We have received many reports and complaints from various community leaders regarding the activities of narcotics buying and selling transactions at stalls belonging to YS perpetrators. Apart from the place where the stall transactions belonging to the AY perpetrators are also often used as places to use narcotics," he said.Currently, the Head of the Ranah Batahan Police has coordinated with the Head of the West Pasaman Police Narcotics Unit, AKP Eri Yanto, for further legal proceedings.For his actions, the perpetrator AY was charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 111 paragraph (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with the threat of life imprisonment or the death penalty," he said.For the perpetrators R, DA, AAP and A investigators from the West Pasaman Police Narcotics Unit charged the perpetrators with Article 114 paragraph (1) Jo Article 111 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a maximum prison sentence of 20 years and a maximum fine of 10 billion.