BTS Corruption Case, Hudev UI Expert Yohan Suryanto Sued 6 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - Human Development expert at the University of Indonesia (HUDEV UI), Yohan Suryanto, is believed to have been found guilty in the case of alleged corruption in the 4G BTS project. The prosecutor charged him with imprisonment for 6 years.

"The defendant Dr. Yohan Suryanto was sentenced to 6 years in prison and reduced while the defendant was in custody," said the prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, October 25.

Not only criminal sanctions, but the prosecutor also demanded that Yohan Suryanto pay Rp250 million. If you do not have the ability to replace it with imprisonment for three months.

The prosecutor also charged Yohan to pay a replacement money of Rp. 399 million.

"It charges the defendant to pay a replacement money of Rp. 17.8 billion, a subsidiary of 7.5 years," said the prosecutor.

Yohan was said to have violated Article 2 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Anti-Corruption Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 1 of the Criminal Code.

The defendant Yohan Suryanto was originally charged with receiving Rp453,608,400 from the 4G BTS project.

In addition, there were also several other defendants such as Johnny G. Plate, Anang Achmad Latif, Irwan Hermawan, Windi Purnama, and Muhammad Yusrizki who also received money from the project.

As a result of their actions, they caused state losses of Rp. 8,032,084,133,795.51 (Rp. 8 trillion).