Firli Gets A Badminton Racket Gift And 3 Boil Corn From IM 57+ Institute, Meaning?

JAKARTA - Indonesia Calling (IM) 57+ Institute awarded a racket and three corns to Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri.
The goods were sent after he fulfilled the summons of police investigators regarding the alleged extortion by the KPK leadership against former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
The IM57+ Institute sent a racket and three corn to Firli Bahuri. This follows up on Firli Bahuri's arrival during an examination conducted by the Police as a fulfillment of promises made in a previous release," said IM 57+ Institute Chair Praswad Nugraha to reporters, Wednesday, October 25.
In addition, Praswad explained, the gift was a reminder of the meeting between Firli and Syahrul. Because, in the photo of the scattered meeting, there is a badminton racket and boiled corn placed in a container.
In the future, Praswad hopes that the Metro Jaya Police will seriously investigate the alleged extortion. Because this case is one of the tests.
"Giving information by Firli should be a supporter in determining further steps to the alleged extortion that occurred," he said.
"This case is one of the test clothes in the seriousness of handling cases of alleged corruption by law enforcers," continued Praswad.
As previously reported, Firli was finally questioned after he was absent on the first summons, Friday, October 20. KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron said his colleague was unable to attend because of another agenda that could not be postponed and needed to study the examination material.
Ghufron said Firli had just received a summons from the Polda Metro Jaya as a witness in the extortion case on Thursday, October 19. So, he asked for a reschedule which was finally scheduled by police investigators on Tuesday, October 24.
However, when they were about to be questioned, the police received a letter from the KPK leadership asking for an examination to be transferred by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.
As for Firli, he was questioned for seven hours until 19.30 WIB from 10.00 WIB. The Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak did not specify the number of questions asked by the Joint Investigation Team of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya and the Directorate of Corruption Crimes at Bareskrim Polri.
Ade only said that the KPK chairman was asked to explain the alleged extortion carried out by the KPK leadership and his meeting with Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
"There are several questions that we ask him regarding the criminal acts that we are currently investigating," he told reporters, Tuesday, October 24.