Developers Not Yet Rainy Season, Mitigation City Government Forms Of Culvert Cleaning Troops

The Palembang City Government formed and deployed water culvert cleaning troops to anticipate flooding during the rainy season in its area. "To anticipate flooding in Palembang City, we continue to go to the field to monitor, and we formed a water culvert or sewer cleaning team, then we sent the team to stand by the spot if the sediment was high, then there was piled up garbage, then cleaning and transporting were carried out so that there were no puddles," said Acting (Pj) Mayor of Palembang Ratu Dewa, in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Monday, October 23, confiscated by Antara. He added, based on the monitoring of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) at the end of October, some areas in South Sumatra will enter the rainy season and will be evenly distributed in November 2023. "To anticipate the occurrence of flooding due to rain in Palembang City, we have prepared its anticipation," said Ratu Dewa.

Selain itu kini pihaknya telah melakukan pemetaan di beberapa titik paling rawan terjadi banjir di Kota Palembang apabila dilanda hujan dengan intensitas deras dan waktu yang cukup lama."Kawasan sekip bendung, Jalan Residen Abdul Rozak, depan SMA kusuma Bangsa, simpang Polda Sumsel, Kemang Manis, dan beberapa titik di Kota Palembang semuanya menjadi prioritas," tandasnya.