Tanah Bumbu Police Investigate Alleged Mass Poisoning Residents

The Tanah Bumbu Police of South Kalimantan Province investigated a number of residents suspected of having mass food poisoning in Kusan Hilir District.

Head of Public Relations of the Tanah Bumbu Police, AKP Jonser Sinaga, said members of the Intelligence and Security Unit and Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kusan Hilir Police visited the Pagatan Maintenance Health Center to conduct examinations and witness interviews.

"Members also provide security to residents or children suspected of being mass poisoning," said Sinaga, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, October 21.

He said police officers also examined two witnesses, namely DN from Kusan Hilir and HL sub-districts from Kusan Tengan District, Tanah Bumbu Regency.

The Tanah Bumbu Police examined the food remains in the laboratory to determine the content of the food which allegedly caused mass poisoning for residents.

"We will inform you later, currently it is still in the process of investigating and examining witnesses and sampling food," said Sinaga.

It is known, ten people are suspected of having food poisoning after consuming 40 packs of boxed rice from donors from Batuah Village, Kusan Hilir District with the initials YT on Friday (20/10).

DN delivered the food to residents of RT01 Manurung Village, Central Kusan District with the initials HA to be distributed to orphans after Friday prayers.

In the afternoon, DN received information that residents who consumed the boxed rice experienced nausea and were taken to the ER for the Pagatan Care Center.

"So the provisional suspicion does not rule out the possibility of residents suspected of being poisoned due to consuming the packaged rice," said Sinaga.

As many as ten residents who were suspected of having mass food poisoning, namely QolyUBi (8) a resident of Betung Village, Aisyah Ramadhani (7) a resident of Manurung Village, Heril Saputra (15) a resident of Manurung Village, Muhammadun Arsyad (13) a resident of Mudalang Village, M. Rizky Aditya (12) a resident of Mudalang Village, Adi Jandrawan (10) a resident of Manurung Village.

Furthermore, M Farhan (11), Naufal (5), Hafiz (3), and Nur alifah (1) residents of Manurung Village RT01, Central Kusan District, Tanah Bumbu Regency.