Already Tested Laboratory, Disperindag Make Sure There Are No Oplosan Rice In Batam

BATAM - The Department of Industry and Trade (Disperindag) of Batam City, Riau Islands ensures that no mixed rice is circulating. People don't have to worry.The head of the Batam City Industry and Trade Agency, Gustian Riau, said that his party had carried out regular monitoring in the field and conducted laboratory tests on rice sold to the public."The name oplosan is oplosan, which is the input of chemicals into the rice, and the oplosan is not in Batam, we have tested all the rice laboratories in Batam that we did two weeks ago," said Gustian in Batam, Antara, Wednesday, October 18.He said that to carry out laboratory tests, 2 kg of rice was needed."Alhamdulillah, in Batam there was no modified rice, injected rice, or mixed rice with chemicals," he said.Gustian said, rice circulation in Batam has also gone through supervision. His party also continues to monitor the quality, stock, and price of rice and other basic necessities."I make sure it's safe, there's no mixed rice. The rice in circulation is in accordance with the brand, "said Gustian.Related to this, Gustian also appealed to the Batam community to be able to report to the Disperindag if they found any adulterated rice activities, or food commodities that were not treated properly.
"We ask the public every time there is a problem, or there are people who report, please give us the evidence, so we will try another test, including what the food commodities are. We hope that the community can proactively report to us if someone does something like that," said Gustian.