Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Expressed 3 Important Approaches To Overcome Development Delays In Papua

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said there are three important approaches that must be taken in overcoming development delays in Papua.

The three approaches are a cultural, awareness, and social approach. According to him, the three of them are far more effective than the security approach that has been carried out so far. "We must have serious sides with what has been set and become the president's vision of policy when he declared building transpapua. That, right, it must be followed up, it cannot just be left silent," said Muhadjir during a national seminar Towards Advanced Papua in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

Muhadjir said that many Papuan youths do not have room for involvement in building their territory. In fact, he said, in the national seminar there was a Papuan youth who had a brilliant idea to advance the region. "In Papua, because he doesn't have enough room to play a role, so he can't make concrete contributions there. And that's what we want to try to solve there," he said. According to him, if the leaders in Papua are able to bring their children to well-known universities or military/police academies, then they must be able to enliven the children of the community as well. "That way the benefits can be felt by the community," said Muhadjir.

Pejabat (Pj) Gubernur Papua Selatan Apolo Safanpo menambahkan, pihaknya menyambut baik upaya yang terus dilakukan oleh pemerintah pusat dalam rangka mendorong pembangunan wilayah Papua.Apolo mengakui Papua memperlukan percepatan dalam melakukan pembangunan karena lambatnya pertumbuhan di banyak aspek."Perlu percepatan dalam melakukan pembangunan di Papua karena ada gap yang cukup jauh dengan daerah lain," kata Apolo.