Unexpected Incident, Promoter Announces Jamrud 28th Anniversary Concert Canceled

JAKARTA - Rockat Entertainment as the promoter reported that the 28th Anniversary Jamrud concert was canceled.

Previously, the concert was planned to take place on October 25 at 20.00 WIB at Bengkel Space, South Jakarta.

"We Rockat Entertainment would like to announce that the 28th Anniversary Jamrud concert which was previously planned to be held on October 25, 2023, was canceled," the promoter wrote in an Instagram post, Tuesday, October 17.

"We took this decision with a heavy heart after long considerations and the results of discussions with various parties," he continued.

The promoter also apologized to all parties involved in planning this concert.

It is said that there was an unexpected incident that caused the cancellation. However, it did not explain further about the incident in question.

"Unexpected situation has forced us to take this action for the common interest," the promoter said.

Regarding ticket returns that have been purchased, Rockat entertainment announced that the return mechanism can be done by visiting the link in the Instagram bio @rockentertainment.

"To find out the mechanism for further refunds, you can go through a link in your bio," wrote Rockat Entertainment.

"As well as specifically for the Ningrat category DP (Down Payment) refund mechanism, you can directly contact the Space Workshop via the available telephone number," he concluded.