5 Paragliding Training Basic Techniques

YOGYAKARTA If you are interested in paragliding, there are several basic techniques that must be mastered. Paragliding training basic techniques not only help athletes to fly smoothly but also keep them safe.

As is known, paragliding is a sport in the form of flying with the wings of a parachute cloth carried out from a certain height and then taking off with feet. This sport is usually done for the needs of recreation and competition.

Paragliding sports can be done with expert assistance or can be done independently. Especially for independent paragliding, you must master several basic techniques, namely as follows.

This technique is very important to avoid accidents during flight. As explained earlier, take off in paragliding using your feet. Even the legs become important things when taking off paragliding.

When taking off, the legs will support the body. Athletes will run a little bit to perfect the landing. The position of the feet when taking off must also be right so that there is no leg injury.

Apart from your legs, you also have to pay attention to how to propel the parachute so that it can reach the bottom. Need good coordination between hand and foot movements to land properly.

Paragliding exercise requires the wind to fly and move the parachute. Therefore, athletes must know where the agin eye is and how much pressure the wind is. Both are important to know so that flights can be carried out and freefall can be avoided.

Knowing the direction of the wind also helps athletes control parachutes to safe areas so that flights can still be controlled properly.

Paragliding landing must also be mastered. Landing techniques cover many things, ranging from finding safe areas to land, controlling parachutes, to landing ways to targeted points.

In this process, the legs are also the main limbs that help brake and hold the weight of the body on the ground. In this process, the strength of the legs is quite instrumental in determining the safety of the landing. In addition, athletes must also know when is the right time for the feet to actually touch the ground.

Beginners also have to know how to control the parachute. Parachuting control will help athletes go in the desired direction. Athletes must also learn how to hold, lift, and address the problem of parachutes in the middle of flight.

Landing in paragliding is not always smooth. Athletes are always faced with risk falling from certain levels. To minimize the impact, athletes must also know how to choose a safe emergency landing area. In addition, training the position of the leg when you have to make an emergency landing must also be learned so that there are no injuries, both light and severe.

Those are some of the basic paragliding training techniques that must be learned. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.