Often Not Consistent, Recognize The Characteristics Of Toxic Nature In Yourself
JAKARTA - A person who has toxic traits can cause many conflicts in relationships, especially with those around him. Sometimes people who behave toxically do not realize that their attitude indirectly harms themselves and others. Let's understand more, let's recognize the characteristics of toxic traits and try to check in each other.
One of the characteristics of toxic people is avoiding important discussions. Because he is reluctant to get involved, it is not surprising that often problems are not resolved. But if faced with situations where discussions cannot be avoided, he will use a method that makes other people lose confidence.
The next feature is that it is difficult to admit mistakes and blame others for the misfortunes experienced. If toxic people cannot reflect on this behavior, it is feared that it will affect the growth of their personal characteristics. According to research in 2017, reflecting on the decisions made can have a positive impact on how to identify yourself.
Someone with toxic nature, does not hesitate to distort the truth so that it seems as if he has become a victim and blames others. Even when he was guilty, toxic people refused to say an apology and instead cut ties with the person.
When faced with a problem, he is defensive towards input and easily offended when criticized. Toxisity can also make it difficult for him to see the point of view of others, so apologizing becomes difficult.
Toxic behavior can include manipulation of others for the sake of personal gain and control. A person who does this dares to lie, exaggerate, or eliminate information so that others do what they want. He also does this to get people's positive opinions towards himself.
Manipulation can include insults, jokes about a person's sensitivity, and containing affection. Another form of manipulation that can be used is gaslighting, which occurs when someone tries to make other people question the reality. Most likely it will make it difficult for other people to trust themselves.
Not respecting boundaries can affect a person's sense of security and trust. Toxic people will ignore the needs of others for boundaries or boundaries. If you can't meet other people's needs, this can have an impact on the relationship of loved ones,
No one is perfect. Everyone can sometimes be inconsistent with their choices. But if it often shows inconsistent behavior, it could be that this is one of the characteristics of toxic nature.
It is difficult to keep your commitment or promise, it can show a loss of support for the loved ones. If it is usually inconsistent, impulsive, opportunistic, or erratic behavior in yourself will be clearly visible.
According to research, although these signs can be experienced by both women and men, women tend to be judged harder for these behaviors.