Volunteers Of Young Ulama Solidarity Jokowi Declare Support For Prabowo
JAKARTA - Volunteers for Jokowi's Young Ulema Solidarity (Samawi) have declared support for the presidential candidate (readpres) promoted by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Prabowo Subianto because he is considered to have the ability to lead the Indonesian nation.
"We are here today to harmonize perceptions, join your hands to continue and compete in the 2024 presidential election," said General Chairperson (Ketum) Samawi Muhammad Nahdy during a declaration event held in Prabowo's yard as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, October 7.
He said the declaration was the result of a deliberation held the previous night which was attended by kiai, ajengan, and the teacher from the Jokowi volunteer group.
According to Nahdy, Indonesia needs a leader who is firm, loves the people, has inner closeness to grassroots communities, and has experience in dealing with geopolitical dynamics and world situations.
"Bismillahirrahmannirrahim, for our itjihad, Pak Prabowo is that figure," he said.
In addition, Nahdy said that Samawi supports Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a candidate for vice president (readwapres) who will accompany Prabowo in the 2024 Presidential Election contestation (Pilpres).
"We also view that the demographic bonus must be responded to with real partiality to young people," he said.
According to him, young people should no longer be considered as future leaders, but current leaders.
"We hope that Pak Prabowo will cooperate with Mas Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a vice presidential candidate if later the Constitutional Court grants a lawsuit over the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates," said Nahdy.
According to him, Prabowo is a person who is highly dedicated and firm, while Gibran is an innovative young leader and understands the needs of his generation, so the two figures will strengthen each other.
It is known, after the closing ceremony of the Rapimnas Samawi at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday afternoon, the General Chairperson of Samawi Muhammad Nahdy indicated that he would announce the name of the presidential candidate who issamawi in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) on Saturday night.
"If you want the answer, wait until 20.00 in Kertanegara," said Nahdy when asked by reporters about the name of the presidential candidate who supported him.
Rapimnas Samawi was held to consolidate the direction of support for the volunteer group in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) which will be held on February 14.
The meeting was attended by around 10 thousand people from various regions in Indonesia, most of whom came from Jabodetabek and West Java.