Bali Provincial Government Asks Residents Not To Fly Kites During The AIS Summit

DENPASAR - Bali Regional Secretary (Sekda) Dewa Made Indra asked the public not to fly kites during the High Level Conference (KTT) Archipelagic Island States (AIS) Forum.

According to him, if the kite being flown then breaks and hit the power grid, it will potentially disrupt network connectivity during the 51-nation meeting.

"Therefore, we have coordinated with PLN, as well as with kite associations in Bali, including traditional villages, we write down regents/mayors, we urge that during the period of the AIS Summit 8-12 October 2023 there is no activity of raising kites. Thus, we can reduce the potential for network disruption," said Dewa Indra Regional Secretary, Friday, October 6.

The electricity network on the Island of the Gods is interconnected. Even though the AIS Summit took place centrally in the Badung Regency area, precisely the I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport area to the ITDC Nusa Dua area, a short circuit in other areas could be influential.

The Bali Provincial Government does not only appeal to the surrounding community or certain radii, but throughout Bali, not to fly kites even though they are in season.

"The appeal is not to raise the kite to apply throughout Bali, because we are in the same electricity network. There may not be any at the event venue, but in Denpasar it can be annoying. We invite them to stop for a moment, later after it is finished, they will definitely be allowed to return," said Dewa Indra.

This directive was already implemented by the Bali Provincial Government during the G20 Summit in November 2022. Dewa Indra said that at that time the public could understand and the meeting took place smoothly because the government's recommendation was implemented.

In addition to the potential for short circuits due to kites, Dewa Indra did not deny that there could be electricity disturbances due to disasters or bad weather, such as strong winds that put trees on and hit the power grid.

For this reason, the Bali Provincial Government has ordered ranks in districts/cities to trim branches and tree branches adjacent to the electricity grid, so that if a tree falls, it will not hit the surrounding network.

The rest regarding electricity during the AIS Summit, Dewa Indra Regional Secretary ensures that everything is well maintained, both supply and stock, because they have coordinated with PT PLN and local governments to anticipate problems that may arise.