Visa Study: Post-pandemic Traveling Trends Exceed Pre-COVID-19 Period, Tourists Prioritize Control And Independence

JAKARTA - Along with the rise of post-pandemic travel trends, studies show that the flexibility, comfort, and security continues to be sought after by tourists around the world. Recent 2023 Visa Global Travel Intentions Study (GTI) shows the habit of tourists traveling on an ever-growing basis, as well as providing a roadmap for the business sector to meet their needs.

In Indonesia, some of the main findings from the GTI study revealed that the Indonesian people really like to be in control and independent in traveling, where 84 percent of tourists prefer a fully independent or half-independent trip rather than following the tour package, and 46 percent of tourists are willing to pay at a higher price to be more free to accommodate changes in their travel plans.

"We are very happy to see the increase in post-pandemic travel activities which even surpassed before the pandemic. We remain optimistic that tourism will remain a vital economic backbone, especially ahead of the year-end holiday season. Visa facilitates safe and comfortable cross-border shopping activities, both for foreign tourists who come and shop at attractive local landmarks, as well as for Indonesian people traveling at home and abroad," said Riko Abdurrahman, President Director of Visa Indonesia, in a statement Friday, October 6.

GTI studies revealed that the main motivation for Indonesians to travel at home and abroad is to relax (58 percent), explore something new (45 percent), and shop (38 percent).

Three main destinations abroad for 92 percent of Indonesian tourists are Asian Pacific countries such as Singapore, Japan, and Malaysia. Countries in this region are chosen because of the closeness of geography and price affordability. In addition, destinations in Asia often provide a combination of familiar shopping and culinary experiences, as well as attractive cultural attractions for Indonesians.

"Along with our optimism for digitalization of travel which includes purchasing plane tickets and tours, accommodation, travel insurance, and of course spending, this study also shows that 72 percent of Indonesian tourists still have concerns about payments before traveling. This can cause stress for those who are not experienced in digital payments, and feel the need to bring cash and find money exchange sites and ATMs. Contactless payments have become an option in many countries around the world. We support all stakeholders in the ecosystem to continue to increase cooperation in promoting non-cash payments and contactless in Indonesia, "added Riko.

Promising tourism is a common goal, and Visa is committed to continuing to play a role in shaping the future of this industry by facilitating widespread acceptance of digital payments for anyone, anywhere.