Transjakarta Corridor 1 Route Diverted Due To Labor Demonstration Today

PT Transjakarta diverted its bus route to corridor 1 (Blok M Kota) service as a result of a demonstration held by a labor group in the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta, today.
Head of the Public Relations and CSR Department of PT Transjakarta Wibowo said that the engineering of this route was carried out so that people who used to pass through this route could still be safely served by their mobility.
"Currently, Transjakarta services have undergone adjustments to Corridor 1. In the city direction, for the time being services at the Monas and Bank Indonesia bus stops have been diverted. Meanwhile, the opposite direction to Blok M is operating normally," Wibowo said in his statement, Monday, October 2.
Thus, the adjusted route is from the direction of Blok M - Sarinah - Sarinah red light out of lane - Bank Indonesia red light turns left - Kebon Sirih Street - Hotel Millennium turn left - Jalan Fachrudin - Jati Baru straight - Jalan Cideng Barat - Tarakan red light turn right - Stop Petojo - Harmoni red light turn left - Harmoni - City.
In addition to the Blok M City route, Wibowo said adjustments were also made to the Senen Blok M (1P) route. Bus routes are on the Monday direction so that temporarily they cannot serve customers at Bus Stop Kementrian Tourism (Indosat), Bus Stop Monas 1, Bus Stop Monas 2 and Bus Stop Monas 3. While the opposite direction operates normally.
"Furthermore, the Juanda Juanda Roundabout via Pasar Baru also experienced route adjustments in both directions so that temporarily it could not serve the community," he said.
The Labor Party and KSPI held a massive mass action during a trial of the Constitutional Court's (MK) decision regarding the judicial review of Law (UU) Number 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation today.
Polda Metro Jaya has alerted 6,520 personnel in the security scheme and diversion of traffic flow in connection with the demonstration.
"In total there are 6,520 joint personnel we have mobilized to secure the demonstration," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in his statement.
Thousands of personnel were deployed with details of 4,530 Polri personnel, 1,680 TNI personnel, and 310 DKI Jakarta Regional Government (Pemda) personnel.
Meanwhile, for the traffic flow scheme, four roads have been diverted. However, its implementation is situational. The purpose of implementing traffic diversion is so that demonstrations do not interfere with other community activities.
"We are also preparing traffic engineering which leads to a demonstration point. Its nature remains situational but is expected to avoid this route," he said.
The diversion of traffic flow is: 1. The traffic flow from HI to Jalan Merdeka Barat is diverted to Jalan Budi Kemuliaan or Jalan Merdeka Selatan.
2. The traffic flow from the Tugu Tani direction to Jalan Merdeka Utara is diverted to Jalan Perwira (Situational).
3. Traffic flow from Jalan Hayam Wuruk to Jalan Majapahit, Jalan Merdeka Utara is diverted to Jalan Juanda or to Jalan Suryopranoto.
4. Abdul Muis Street to Jalan Gajah Mada is diverted to Jalan Tanah Abang Satu.