The Indies Shocked The Audience With The Collaboration With Indonesian Musicians

JAKARTA - The Indies or Baskara Putra gave a surprise to the audience who were present at their single concert in Jakarta Malaikat Berhit Di Langit Jakarta, Saturday (30/9) by presenting a special collaboration action with Indonesian musicians. When presenting a number of songs as opening a single concert, such as False Promises, What/For What?, and others, the Indies began to sing Future Problem. The song is one of the songs from the full album of the two entitled Besides Life Will End. I'm not smart enough to talk about money, I'm not sensitive enough to talk about nature, The Indies began singing the first verse of the song Future Problem. That'.

One minute after the song was sung, two music players from the band Lomba Sihir came on stage and began to accompany the Indies to sing the song. Surprisingly, Natasha Udu as vocalist of the Magic Competition went up stage and sang with the Indies again to the audience. Seeing the unexpected scene, it made the audience cheered. Not only that, the Indies and the Magic Competition also collaborated together for the song Dehydration'' which was originally sung by the Indies with the Indonesian musicians, such as Idgitaf for the song Forgot Password and Blessing as well as the collaboration with other musicians. In the middle of the single concert took place, the Indies also invited Teddy Adhitya to jointly sing their collaborative song Don't Be A Hero. The song with the theme of self-demployment is part of the album Regarding Life Will End belongs to the Indies. Belajar stands for life because of life, we will grow up,' is a piece of the lyrics sung by them. The collaboration continues to the next song Kita Ke Sana. Accompanied by Teddy, both of them began to move to the left and right side of the stage to greet the audience more closely. As the concert was already towards the peak of the event, the Indian musicians again invited other Indonesian musicians, namely Kamga to sing the song Bayangkan'. This song became one of the many Indian songs that had the meaning of passion and never gave up as well as dedicated to the listeners. The performance of the collaboration with the musicians was closed by singing the song titled Ke Ke Sana''. Accompanied by Teddy, both of them began to move to the left and right side of the album Hantipula''' The end successfully captured the attention of the audience more closely. Starting from Lomba Sibuh, Kamga, and other musicians rose on stage to sing with the Indian smoke before the occultation. The explosions of the artificial and the flowers of the paper were closed by singing the song entitled Cincin''. One of the album The End of Life Will be successful in attracting the attention of the audience and all those present night. Starting from Lomba Magic, Kamga, and