What Includes Cashless Applicable In Indonesia? Here Are 8 Types

YOGYAKARTA Currently, the cashless payment climate in Indonesia is starting to form. This is proven by the increasing number of payment service providers in a non-cash manner. Even though it is starting to grow, the public still doesn't fully know what is included in cashless in Indonesia.

This article will provide information regarding any services that fall into the cashless category and can be used in Indonesia.

In general, cashless is a revenue system that is carried out without involving tuki or cash, but uses digital payment facilities. Cashless can also be said to be non-cash payments in the form of banknotes or coins.

Currently, there are many cashless payment systems in effect in Indonesia. Some of the ways cashless transactions are available are as follows.

Credit cards are non-cash payment tools in the form of cards issued by banks. When someone pays with a credit card, transactions are recorded as debt. Payments are made each month accumulated or in accordance with the provisions of credit card service providers. This payment system includes cashless because it does not involve cash in transactions.

Debit cards are cards that can be used for purchase transactions without involving cash. This card is issued by the card holder bank and is connected to a savings balance. So that when used as a means of payment, the balance will be automatically truncated according to the nominal expenditure.

The check system is different from credit cards or debits. Check is a written order issued by the customer to the bank where he stores the money, to withdraw funds sourced from his account. The nominal amount of funds is usually written on the check sheet with a signature. Checks can also be used as a means of payment, and have even been used for a long time before the electronic era like now.

Similar to checking, bilyet giro is a securities issued by banks. Bilyet giro can be used by bank customers to replace cash. The difference with checking is that bilyet giro cannot be disbursed in the form of cash, but must be transferred to an account according to the date listed on the bilyet letter.

The type of cyhsless that is becoming popular is e-money, which is an electronic payment tool provided by banks or other financial service providers. To use e-money, a person must deposit money or fill in a balance to an e-money issuer and then store it in electronic media. After the money saved, the e-money can only be used.

An example of cashless e-money that currently exists and applies in Indonesia is as follows.

Another non-cash payment method is paylaters, namely the payment method of goods and services that allows users to transact quickly but make payments at a later date. This means that users can delay payments but these payments are recorded as debts and must be paid on other days. Examples of paylater services that apply in Indonesia are as follows.

A credit note is a letter issued by the seller as proof of reducing customer receivables. This memorandum could be proof of refunds or debt reductions to buyers due to wrong errors, damaged products, invoice errors, cancellation of purchases, or other certain conditions.

Debit memorandum is a document made by a buyer for a seller as a statement of debt reduction.

That's information related to anything that includes cashless. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.