At Sido Muncul Factory, BPJS Health Ungaran Provides Mobile BPJS Services
JAKARTA - BPJS Kesehatan Ungaran Branch provides services through BPJS Mobile in PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO), Thursday, September 21, to provide easy accessibility of National Health Insurance (JKN) program services to participants.
Head of BPJS Health Ungaran Branch Abdul Azis said that he and his team had scheduled mobile BPJS services at various regional points, both at village offices and in business entities located in the BPJS Health Working Area Ungaran Branch.
"With the Mobile BPJS service at PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul, we hope that employees can take advantage of it. Not being supported, they may be constrained by the time if they want to take care of administration related to the JKN program," said Azis, quoted from Antara, Monday, September 25.
Some services that can be accessed by employees of PT. Sido Muncul Herbal and Pharmaceutical Industry, which is a JKN participant in the Mobile BPJS, namely registration of the JKN Mobile Application, changes in participant data, changes in the first level of health facilities (FKTP), information and handling complaints, and transfers. add or less family members.
Yuni Wariyanti, as a team from the Human Resource Department (HRD) of PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul expressed her gratitude to BPJS Kesehatan Ungaran Branch for scheduling BPJS Mobile services in the factory environment.
He also said that he had made an announcement to employees from all divisions in PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul that there would be BPJS Mobile services today. He did this so that employees who want to take advantage of BPJS Mobile services can prepare the necessary documents.
"We from the HRD team schedule employees from all existing divisions, so that queues do not occur and adjust to their break hours. We do this so that employees can maximize the existing services at BPJS Touring PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul," said Yuni.
One of the employees of PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul who took advantage of the Mobile BPJS service, Rizki Yogi Novia, said that he felt helped by the mobile BPJS service in the factory environment. He said that he had planned several times to visit the Ungaran Branch BPJS Health Office to make data changes, but he was constrained by time.
"Thank you to BPJS Kesehatan Ungaran Branch for providing BPJS Kesehatan services at PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul, with the BPJS Mobile service we really feel helped to take care of the JKN program administration," said Rizki.
In addition to changing membership data, Rizki revealed that he was also given education related to the Mobile JKN Application and administrative services via WhatsApp (PANDAWA) at 08118165165. According to him, with this education, he does not need to be confused if at any time he has to make data changes.
As an employee at PT. Jamu and Pharmacy Industry Sido Muncul, Rizki is also grateful to have been registered as a JKN participant. Although until now he has never used health services in registered health facilities. He said that by being registered as a JKN participant, he felt protected by his health.
"I hope BPJS Kesehatan can continue to be present in our midst and can provide health services through the JKN program. I think this program is very important for the whole community, because the JKN program has so many benefits, especially for employees in factories like me," said Rizki.