Bareskrim: 147 Gumilang Panji Accounts And Their Affiliates Blocked

The Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at Bareakrim Polri stated that there were additional blocked accounts related to Panji Gumilang in cases of alleged money laundering (TPPU) to corruption in School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds. The provisional number reached 147 accounts."A total of 147 APG (Panji Gumilang) accounts have been blocked, YPI and other legal entities," said Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan in his statement, Wednesday, September 20.In investigating a series of alleged criminal acts, 38 witnesses have been examined. They come from the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPI) and so on.Then, the investigative team has coordinated with several foundation experts. The goal is to obtain additional evidence that can strengthen criminal violations."Coordination has been carried out with foundation experts, criminal experts and Kumham regarding the ongoing process," said Whisnu.As a reminder, the alleged case of TPPU Panji Gumilang has been upgraded to the investigation stage. This means that it is believed that there has been a criminal offense.Panji Gumilang is suspected of violating Article 3 of Law Number 8 of 2020 concerning the Crime of Money Laundering which carries a penalty of 20 years.Then, the Criminal Code of the Article 70 Foundation in conjunction with Article 5 of Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning amendments to Law Number 16 of 2021. The penalty is 5 years in prison
The crime of embezzlement of Article 372 of the Criminal Code carries a penalty of 8 years and a criminal act of corruption under Article 2 of the Corruption Eradication Law.