Attending The 2nd Graduation Of The Public Works Polytechnic, Basuki: Be An Infrastructure Fighter
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono advised graduates of the Public Works Polytechnic (PU) to become competent infrastructure development fighters so that they can be trusted in the construction industry.
"I want all of you (PU graduates) to become infrastructure development fighters who are ready to serve throughout Indonesia. You all have to be strong infrastructure fighters because you are professional in their fields, brave because you have integrity, and have an artistic spirit because you have the ability to live and innovate," Basuki said in a written statement, quoted on Tuesday, September 19.
Basuki said that these graduates are PU Polytechnic ambassadors who are responsible for proving their competence so that the PU Polytechnic can become superior polytechnics that are trusted in the construction industry.
In realizing human resources (HR) in the field of construction that is competent, professional, highly competitive, and ready to work, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Public Works Polytechnic (PU) confirmed 139 graduates at the 2nd Graduation of the 2020th Anniversary Public Works Polytechnic at the PU Polytechnic Campus II Auditorium, Semarang, on Monday, September 18.
The graduates themselves have studied for three years at the Public Works Polytechnic, with the Air Building Construction Technology (prodi) study program consisting of 49 graduates, Road and Bridge Construction Technology as many as 46 graduates, and Building Construction Technology as many as 44 graduates. A total of 75 people or 54 percent received the Citation Certificate (cum laude).
"This graduation, especially those who get the title of praise, is a big responsibility. Prove that all of you are competent in the field, not only in theory," he said.
As an effort to create superior construction human resources, the PU Polytechnic has equipped graduates with an education curriculum that exceeds the National Standard of Higher Education, which is integrated with the level 5 Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI).
In addition, the Public Works Polytechnic also issued competency certificates for graduates, including as a Juru Ukur, an Image Officer, Construction Work Safety Officer, and the Implementation of Building Work Fields/Roads/Irrigation Channels.