Overcoming Bekasi Floods, Central Government Builds Again 2 Dams In Bogor
BOGOR - Bogor Regent, Iwan Setiawan together with the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono, Acting Governor of West Java Beyani Machmudin, reviewed national strategic projects, namely the construction of Cibeet and Cijurey dams in Tanjungsari and Cariu sub-districts, Sunday, September 18. In addition, the development project monitored is the improvement of roads through the Regional Road Inpres in Sukamakmur District, based on Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 3 of 2023 concerning Acceleration Improvement of Regional Road Connectivity, which aims to deal with damaged non-national roads and increase the absorption of regional roads throughout Indonesia through the assistance of the State Budget.Turut is present Bogor Regency Regional Secretary, Head of PUPR Service, Head of Bappedalitbang, Members of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Jonggol Sub-district, Cariu Sub-district, and Sukamakmur Sub-district. Bogor Regent, Iwan Setiawan said, the construction of Cibeet and Cijurey dams in Tanjungsari and Cariu Districts, as well as road improvements through the IJD in Sukamakmur District, the community will really feel the benefits of it. "The construction of road infrastructure, which we see today is a district road. If in the past the district road could not be built through the APBN budget, it must be APBD. Thank God, with this inpres, which is an initiative from the Minister of PUPR, it could help accelerate the improvement of district roads," said Iwan Setiawan in his statement, Sunday, September 17. This channel is a path of hope community, because it is one of the new tourist destinations. This road is also called the East Central Axis road or the Puncak II route which will penetrate Cipanas. This road is an alternative road for the community to the Puncak area, this is also the answer or solution to the problem of congestion in the Puncak area. Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono said he and the Acting Governor, Commission V DPR RI Mulyadi, and the Regent of Bogor directly monitored the implementation. construction in the eastern region of Bogor Regency. The first is the plan to build two dams, namely Cibeet and Cijurey dams. "So today we are monitoring the construction of Cibeet and Cijurey dams which are tributaries of the Citarum River. The existence of this dam will contribute to overcoming the downstream Citarum floods, namely in the Karawang and Bekasi areas. This includes national strategic projects whose construction we will start soon," said Basuki. Basuki thanked Pak Mulyadi as a member of Commission V of the DPR RI who has overseen this program, well socializes it to the community, so that people can accept this development program. "The second is the implementation of the Regional Road Instruction (IJD) which is carried out throughout Indonesia along 2,800 km of roads and 2,300 meters of bridges. In West Java there are 15 roads to be built, including in Bogor Regency. Everything is planned to be completed in December this year," he said. Basuki.
Acting Governor of West Java, Beyvi Machmudin said, the construction of these two dams is a form of state presence to control flood problems, by immediately building Cibeet and Cijurey dams, the land acquisition problem will be carried out in stages. "The issue of road construction is an alternative road for the community to be repaired by the Ministry of PUPR, for the initial stage it will be carried out along 11 km, and the next stage will continue to Citeureup District. This is also proof that the government is paying attention to roads in the regions for repairs," said Bey.