"He's Good To Sleep Well, We're Worried About The Snake's Arrival", Shouts A Neighbor Of An Empty House In Matraman

JAKARTA - Residents of South Utan Kayu, precisely in Gang Janur RW 12, East Jakarta, protested to the owner of an empty house that became a snake nest. Residents demanded that the owner of the house immediately dismantle the total house so that firefighters could clean up the snakes hiding in it.

As previously known, there have been 13 large pythons of the Sanca type found in an empty house in Gang Janur. They suspect that the empty house that the owner has lived in for a dozen years has become a snake nest. Residents are afraid that they don't feel comfortable.

Brokes, unload... shouted mothers, one of the residents near an empty house full of snakes, in a video seen on Sunday, September 17.

According to information, according to residents around the mothers, they were furious with the owner of the empty house for not allowing their houses to be checked and cleaned completely. It is not known why the owner did not allow the officers to dismantle the empty house to catch snakes that scared residents.

"The search process for places suspected of being snake nests is not maximally cleaned," said one local resident.

It is known that the owner of the empty house lives in the Tangerang area. Residents are also upset because since the discovery of the dozens of snakes, many neighbors have not been able to sleep well for fear of snakes entering the houses of local residents.

"He likes to sleep well, comfortable, we are worried about the arrival of snakes. Just dismantle it... dismantle it." shouted a woman in the crowd.

'Bongkar pelapon rumahnya, membongkar septic tank rumahnya.'rasnya.

A week passed, a number of residents in the Mancung alley, RT 12/12, Utan Kayu Selatan Village, Matraman District, East Jakarta, began to worry about the appearance of a number of snakes from empty houses that often terrorized residents.

"I personally feel (resah). Moreover, my house is quite close, and there are still gaps at the top. I'm afraid I don't see the air entering my house, he is in the above position," said Rini Wijiastuti (48), the neighbor of the empty house to reporters, Friday, September 15.

After the emergence of a number of snakes from inside an empty house mysteriously, the peace of residents in Gang Mancung began to be disturbed. Residents are worried that the reptiles will disturb local residents.

"Since there was a snake, I slept not calm. I didn't sleep above anymore, so I kept sleeping under. I was worried because I had a small child too," he explained.

Rini hopes that the owner of the house will immediately occupy or clean and renovate the house. If not, at least they dispose of the snakes to clean them all up.

"So far, thirteen snakes have been found. Four large snakes are about a size of 4 meters, if the rest are small in the range of 1 meter," he said.

In addition, Rini admitted that local residents had made a signature petition asking the East Jakarta City Government to immediately complete the evacuation of the empty house.