Kejari Sampang Tahan Tersangka Korupsi BLT Dana Desa

The Sampang District Attorney has detained a suspect in the alleged corruption case of direct cash assistance from village funds (BLT-DD) reported by the public to the institution recently.

According to the Head of the Sampang District Attorney's Office, Budi Hartono, the BLT-DD corruption suspect had the initials AM, namely the former village in Sampang City District.

"The person concerned is a suspect in the alleged BLT-DD corruption case in the 2021 fiscal year," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, September 14.

Kajari explained that the investigation into the alleged corruption case was carried out after this institution received reports from the public.

The role of the suspect as the person in charge and his actions cost the state more than Rp359 million.

"The suspect abused his authority as person in charge of the 2021 BLT DD distribution," said Kajari.

Based on the results of the investigation which began in 2022, it was found that there was a criminal incident of alleged corruption so that it was upgraded to the investigation stage by the Investigating Prosecutor. Then more than 100 witnesses have been summoned.

After examining witnesses and collecting other evidence in the form of accountability documents and others, two sufficient pieces of evidence were obtained regarding the incident of a criminal act of corruption. Finally, the investigating prosecutor named the person concerned as a suspect.

"The witnesses who were examined were both the recipients of assistance and related parties," he said.

Kajari Sampang Budi Hartono explained that currently the suspect has been detained by the investigative team and placed in the Class IIB Sampang Detention Center. "Detention since September 11 yesterday," he said.

The suspect was charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) junto Article 3 junto Article 8 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended and added by Law Number 20 of 2001.

"The maximum penalty is 20 years," said Kajari.