What Is A Commercial Letter? This Is Understanding, Characteristics, Benefits, And How To Make It

YOGYAKARTA In commercial or business activities, correspondence is something important. Therefore, the term commercial letter appears related to commercial activities. So what is a real commercial letter?

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), commercial letters are interpreted as letters for commercial, such as letters related to buying and selling, receipts, bid letters, and billing letters.

In general, commercial documents are one type of official letter related to bidding, buying and selling goods and services. This letter is usually made by trading actors, both personal and business entities, as one of the administrative requirements for business activities.

It should be noted that the letter was made not only as a fulfillment of external needs such as between business people and clients or between companies, but also internal needs as a form of communication from the central to the branch level.

It should be noted that not all letters can be referred to as commercial letters even though they are made by business actors. The characteristics of commercial commercial documents in general are as follows.

Commercial letters are made to facilitate matters related to commerce. Some of the benefits that can be achieved in making commercial letters are as follows.

There are many examples of commercial letters made by companies and individuals who carry out trade activities, namely as follows.

Making commercial letters cannot be done carelessly. Although each company has a different commercial letter format, the way to make the letter must include several things as follows.

The examples of formats that can be used in making commercial letters are as follows.

'Company Logo'

The address is the Head Office of the Sender Company

'Company Contacts Like Phones/Companies Faxes'

'Active Company' Email

'State Making Date'

To Yth,

The Name Of The Letter Recipient Who Was Approved

Alamatnya Kantor Pusat Penerima Surat

City, Post Code

Regarding: 'Proports/Services Offering, Or Writing Other Information Based On The Purpose Of Making Letters'

With respect,

We (Wrote the name of the sender company) want (Wrote the purpose of making letters such as product offerings, or a cooperation invitation) to Mr/Mrs (Custom Officials). Our company (Tulis of short information on the field being carried out by the company) has experience in that field so as to provide the best offer to meet needs (Registration of the intended company/clience) properly and professionally.

Therefore, we conveyed several offers of our products/services with attached product information. Further information can be obtained by contacting us via telephone or email listed above.

Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen, and we hope to work together with you in the future.

"Our respect,"

(Official Sign/Cap)

(Name Terang dan Jabatan Pengirim Surat di Perusahaan)

That's information related to commercial documents. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.