Kawin Culik In West Sumban NTT, Police Check 6 Witnesses

WAIKABUBAK - The investigating team of the Southwest Sumba Police of the East Nusa Tenggara Police conducted an examination of six witnesses in the case of the practice of "marrying a wife" or arrest marriage experienced by DM (20) who is suspected of containing elements of violence and exploitation of women.

"We have asked for information from six witnesses who are aware of the 'Marriage marriage' case or forced marriage experienced by DM as a victim in the incident," said Southwest Sumba Police Chief AKBP Sigit Harimbawan through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Southwest Sumba Police, Iptu Rio Rinaldy Panggabean, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday 9 September.

Six witnesses who were questioned by investigators, namely DM as the victim, the victim's mother and four suspected perpetrators including the pick-up vehicle driver used by the alleged perpetrator to transport the victim when the incident occurred.

According to him, the case of "marrying" or catching marriages that occurred was a culture carried out on the island of Sumba but of course it was against the applicable legal rules.

"The police are only targeting indications of the alleged kidnapping," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Rio Rinaldy Panggabean.

According to the testimony of witnesses who were questioned by the Police, there were previously customary discussions carried out by the female family and the male family.

Nevertheless, said Rio Rinaldy Panggabean, the police are investigating the criminal element of kidnapping of someone according to criminal law and seizing independence in accordance with articles 328 and 333 of the Criminal Code.

According to the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Southwest Sumba Police, Iptu Rio Rinaldy Panggabean, the alleged perpetrators who were questioned by investigators were all still in their status as witnesses.

"We are still conducting examinations with witness status after that a case will be held to be upgraded to the status of the investigation and determination of the suspect," said Rio Rinaldy Panggabean.

He said that a culture needs to be preserved, but it must be seen whether this culture is still relevant to be carried out today or not because it is possible that the existing culture also violates the laws in force in Indonesian countries.

"Moreover, there has been a memorandum of agreement made by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia together with the Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara with four regents on Sumba Island regarding the increase in the protection of women and children in four districts on Sumba Island in 2020.

The case of a arrest marriage that occurred in Southwest Sumba Regency occurred Thursday (7/9/2023) at 10.00 WITA in Erunaga village, Weekurra Village, Tambolaka City District, Southwest Sumba Regency.

At that time the victim DM (20) was at the family home, moments later the victim's uncle came to inform the victim that there was a commotion behind the cultural house, then the victim and the victim went to the location with the victim's uncle and when they arrived at the Wowara T-junction, Waimangura Village, West Wewewa District, Southwest Sumba Regency, the victim's uncle got off his motorbike to buy cigarettes.

A few moments later, 20 perpetrators immediately kidnapped DM (20) and took the victim to the house belonging to the alleged perpetrator in Kamu Erunaga, Weerkura Village, West Wewewa District, Southwest Sumba Regency.