Moeldoko Affirms Theme Of The ASEAN 2023 Summit Not Only Slogan, But Realized

JAKARTA - The chairmanship of Indonesia in ASEAN this year carries the theme "ASEAN Matters Epicentrum of Growth (growth center) world. The Presidential Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko, emphasized that the theme is not just a slogan, but can really be realized.

Moeldoko reasoned that ASEAN has big capital as a center of world growth. First, the ASEAN population is extraordinary. With this potential, ASEAN should not only be a market or a market, but must be a major player. The second capital, he continued, is the world's trust in ASEAN which continues to grow well.

"Both of these are social capital that must be managed towards a growth center," said Moeldoko at the media center of ASEAN's 43rd Summit, at the Jakarta Convention Center, Thursday, September 7.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander conveyed one way to realize ASEAN as a growth center or epicenter of growth, namely by moving together to carry out economic transformation through digitalization and a green economy.

Moeldoko said that at the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, May 2023, Indonesia and ASEAN member countries agreed to strengthen the collaboration of developing the Electrical Vehicle or electric vehicle ecosystem as a step of transformation towards a green economy. The agreement is contained in the ASEAN Leaders Declaration.

He said there were four points in the declaration. Namely, making ASEAN a global hub production for the electric vehicle industry, building an integrated electric vehicle ecosystem, supporting energy transition efforts, and making ASEAN the world's epicenter of growth.

These vision are realized through several cooperation programs. Such as building a production hub and roadmap for the development of electric vehicles in the region," he explained.

Indonesia's own position, continued Moeldoko, is very strategic. Because as the owner of the largest nickel ore reserves in the world. The government also continues to concretely encourage the nickel downstream program so that it can be used as a component of electric vehicle battery cells, which will bring many benefits to the country.

"For this reason, Indonesia and ASEAN continue to encourage and strengthen cooperation with RRT, Japan and South Korea in developing the electric vehicle ecosystem," concluded Moeldoko.