Hard To Forget, Film Players Mined To Death Sharing A Mistical Story At The Filming Site

JAKARTA - Wafda Saifan and Guilio Parengkuan are back playing a feature film entitled Diembang Kematian. The film will air starting September 28.

Several times playing in horror films, both Guilio and Wafda have their own mystical experiences. Guilio admitted that he had seen firsthand the events of people in ORDER.

This incident occurred when he was on the set of the horror film he had previously starred in.

"Once. Once again shooting at that time, there were also horror films that were talking about demons, so I came in and I said 'that's okay, you don't have to do anything like that'," he explained in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 4.

"Not long, maybe 5 minutes later in the next place someone was taken, I ran straight away in the future," he continued.

Surprisingly, even though he admitted that he was scared half to death, Guilio felt strange because the people around him looked normal.

"I immediately ran away and finally came in again and they seemed to be still eating normally and I said 'oh, next to someone in bed' how you too eat bro? Is it normal?" he said.

Not only Guilio, who has experienced mystical events, but Wafda Saifan has also experienced it. Even this incident became an unforgettable event for him.

Wafda said that the goat's head used in this film is a real goat's head.

"This will not be forgotten, so one scene of the goat's head has been cut, indeed using a real goat's head," he said.

"So, the scene is that there are two goat heads, so the eyes don't close, so it's just 'yes, it's action' or before action, forgetting, it's the goat who dips for God's sake, I'm not lying, I immediately 'woi' I'm real, directly to 'Why, ma'am?' Taskya said, "he said.

This incident made Wafda wonder because the goat was known to have been cut days ago.

"By Allah, the goat is krip even though it's been cut into goats for days, it's cut, there's also a butcher, so it's been slaughtered for property needs. The goat is real. That's true. It was during filming," he added.